One Word From God...
One Word From God... can change your life! My Name is John Tierno and I’ll be your host. Let me begin by sharing a bit about myself. I’m an ordained minister of the gospel having served in pastoral ministry for the past 30 years. I’ve served in various capacities, as a senior pastor, associate pastor, pastor of counseling and executive pastor. I hold a doctorate in practical theology with a concentration in Biblical counseling and am board certified by the International Association of Biblical Counselors. I presently maintain an active counseling practice and volunteer in various ministries at our local church. The audio files posted to this site are actual narration tracks from short 3 to 5-minute teaching videos I have been creating over the past several years. My prayer continues to be that God uses this medium to draw people to Himself, who in turn, as disciples, help build His kingdom here on earth. Please come back and visit often as I will be posting new files on the 1st and 15th of every month. Blessings and shalom, John
29 episodes
"This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live." Deu 30:19 (NIV)Scripture makes it abunda...

Matt. 6:33
Priorities! Who is in first place in your life? Spouse, child, job? Allow me to suggest that you replace them with the Savior of mankind, Jesus Christ.

Thermometer or Thermostat?
As a Christian, are you a thermometer or thermostat? Have you ever thought of yourself in those terms? Have a listen...

Is There an Egypt in Your Life?
Is there an Egypt in your life? A situation, which has become a problem? Something that weighs you down, perhaps even oppresses you. No matter what you do, nothing seems to help!If we are honest, this scenario has played out in each of o...

Why Pray?
Ministries are birthed through prayer, are sustained by prayer and fail for lack of prayer. These words came to me many years ago as I was praying. I believe they are profound for two very simple reasons. First, it was God,...

"I Am Who I Am"
We often try to define God using our human filter, based on who WE believe He is! Mistake!!

Focus & Filter
Take a clear glass and place it on a table. Fill it half full of water. Then step back and view the glass. Is the glass half-full or half-empty? Which half of the glass are you focusing on? Some will say it is half full, others will say it is h...

A Christmas Message
The greatest gift ever given was not found under the Christmas Tree, but lying in a manger!

I remember as a child reading the classic, King Solomon's Mines. What impressed me more than the story, was the picture on the cover of the book. It showed a cave, filled with precious gems and glimmering gold. My memory of Solomon at that time...
Season 1
Episode 8

Fallen man by nature is impatient. If that wasn't the case, one of the Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) wouldn't have been patience. The degree to which he is impatient varies, however. People who suffer from severe impatience are...
Season 1
Episode 8

Keys to Success
The dictionary defines success as...the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence. Many would agree with this definition and would have little problem making it a goal to achieve. Take a moment and listen to an alternative description of succ...
Season 1
Episode 7

Perception, Reality and Truth
Perception: awareness of one's environment, through physical sensation.Reality: the quality or state of being real (not artificial, not imaginary).Truth: the real state of things.T...
Season 1
Episode 7