Modern Jewish Girl

Shavuos: Unity is a Vessel for Blessing

Jenna Maio Season 5 Episode 10

The Modern Jewish Girl Podcast has had a facelift! We hope you like it!

In This Episode:
Jenna discusses the theme of Jewish unity as it relates to Shavuos and our own lives.

Key Takeaway:
The Jewish people stood at Mt. Sinai like "one man with one heart." This is because we united in our ratzon (will) to receive the Torah for the greater good. (The heart is the place of free will, where our true inner will lies). This unity enabled us to receive the greatest blessing: the Torah. It is easier to unite and make peace with each other when we realize that we are all connected. This is not always easy, but doing so brings blessings into our lives. 

 Click here for the new Modern Jewish Girl Website!


*New website & artwork by Renina Lifshitz