Modern Jewish Girl
Welcome to the Modern Jewish Girl Podcast, where Jenna Maio shares eternal Jewish wisdom and applies it to our everyday lives. Jenna earned a B.A. in English and Creative Writing from Emory University and a J.D. and a Masters in Environmental Studies from the University of Pennsylvania. She fell in love with Torah learning on her first trip to Jerusalem over ten years ago and has been learning ever since. If you enjoy what you hear, be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Spotify and to her newsletter at
96 episodes
The Beauty of Women’s Mitzvot Part 3: Shabbos Candles with Gitty Layosh
Gitty Layosh and I explore the women's mitzvah of lighting Shabbos candles in the last part of this three-part series. We discuss the practical aspects of the mitzvah and its deeper significance. We share inspirational stories related to the mi...
Season 5
Episode 27
The Beauty of Women's Mitzvot Part 2: Mikvah with Gitty Layosh
Join my close friend Gitty Layosh and I as we dive in (pun intended) to the second episode of a three-part mini-series on the women's mitzvot: mikvah. We talk about what a mikvah is, why men and particularly women use the mikvah, the spiritual ...
The Beauty of Women’s Mitzvot Part 1: Challah with Gitty Layosh
Join my close friend Gitty Layosh and I in the first of a three-part mini-series on the women's mitzvot! First up: challah. We talk about the beauty of the mitzvah, the symbolism of each ingredient, how to do the mitzvah, ridding ourselves of g...
Season 5
Episode 25
Marry a Mensch: Timeless Jewish Wisdom on Dating & Relationships with Mrs. Devorah Kigel
In this amazing episode, I speak with Mrs. Devorah Kigel, a dating coach and mentor who has helped hundreds of women "marry a mensch." We speak about Mrs. Kigel's new book, "Marry a Mensch: Ti...
Season 5
Episode 24
What is Chasidic Feminism? with Chava Green
I am very excited to present my conversation with Chava Green, a women's studies scholar and a Chassidic Jew. Chava's dissertation, “the Hasidic face of feminism," explores how the idea of feminism expresses itself in the Chabad community, both...
Season 5
Episode 23
The Hidden Light of the Three Weeks
I was surprised to learn that the Three Weeks, when we mourn the loss of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, is actually filled with the greatest light. Drawing on teachings from the Nesivos Shalom and Rav Shimshon Pincus, join me as I explore why ou...
Season 5
Episode 22
How We Can Continue to Help Israel with Chamal Har Nof Co-Founder Yael Zdanowitz
Join me as I speak again with my close friend, teacher, and mentor, Yael (Seruya) Zdanowitz, who co-founded Chamal Har Nof, an emergency relief organization that helps displaced families, army bases, and wives of soldiers in Israel. Yael gives ...
Season 5
Episode 21
On Learning Torah & Tanya with Faigy Blumstein
Join me as I chat with one of my Torah teachers, Faigy Blumstein. We talk about Faigy's Jewish background, how she started teaching Torah, how she began davening at the Ohel- the Lubavitcher Rebbe's resting place, how she began teaching T...
Season 5
Episode 20
Pesach & The Power of The Mind
In this Pesach minisode, I speak about the process of liberation we can experience on Pesach. Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, I discuss our obligation to feel as if we were freed from Egypt every day and how to view the marror,...
Season 5
Episode 19
Adulting the Jewish Way with Erika Needleman
Join me as I speak with life coach Erika Needleman. Erika shares her beautiful Jewish journey and talks about her coaching practice- Adulting with Erika. Why is adulting so hard for our generation? What can we do to make it easier? Erika is fil...
Season 5
Episode 18
Purim Minisode: How To Overcome Evil in Our Times
Purim is an especially auspicious time for destroying evil, as the Jews defeated Haman, a descendent of the evil nation Amalek, at that time. Based on the teachings of the Nesivos Shalom, Jenna shares a spiritual recipe for defeating evil in ou...
Season 5
Episode 17
What We Can Do To Help Israel with Chamal Har Nof Co-Founder Yael (Seruya) Zdanowitz
Jenna speaks with her close friend, teacher, and mentor, Yael (Seruya) Zdanowitz, who co-founded Chamal Har Nof, an emergency relief organization that helps displaced families, army bases, and wives of soldiers in Israel. Yael gives us a glimps...
Season 5
Episode 16
How To Gain Clarity in Dating & Life with Jackie Glaser
Jenna speaks with Jackie Glaser- a life mentor, Torah teacher, and friend who guided Jenna on her Jewish journey for many years. Jackie, a former Today Show psychologist in Australia, combines her knowledge of Torah and psychology to help other...
Season 5
Episode 15
Chanukah Minisode: Lighting Up the World From Within
Jenna shares a piece of Torah from Rebbe Nachman of Breslov on the battle of light and darkness within ourselves and how we can work to overcome it so that we can truly light up the world. She shares a personal example of a powerful mind-...
Season 5
Episode 14
Keeping Our Hands Up In The Battle Against Evil: A Deeper Look Into The Israel-Hamas War
The terror attack in Israel on October 7th, 2023 sent shock waves through the Jewish world and beyond. The immensity of the horror and evil is almost impossible to comprehend. How do we navigate through the most intense tragedy our people have ...
Season 5
Episode 13
Becoming Your Best Self: A Conversation With Rabbi Moshe Gersht
Join Jenna as she speaks with Rabbi Moshe Gersht, author of the Wall Street Journal & USA Today Bestseller, It's All The Same To Me. After performing for nearly a decade as a popular Los Angeles-based musician, Rabbi ...
Season 5
Episode 12
Be The Light: A Conversation with Chabad Rebbetzin Miriam Lipskier
Jenna speaks with Emory Chabad Rebbetzin Miriam Lipskier in honor of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's 29th yahrtzeit. They speak about the Rebbe's greatness, what it is like to run a Chabad house on a college campus, how we can live out the Rebbe's lega...
Season 5
Episode 11
Shavuos: Unity is a Vessel for Blessing
The Modern Jewish Girl Podcast has had a facelift! We hope you like it! In This Episode: Jenna discusses the theme of Jewish unity as it relates to Shavuos and our own lives. Key Takeaway: The Jewish people...
Season 5
Episode 10
Counting the Omer: Freedom Is a Process
Why do we count the days between Pesach and Shavuos? Jenna explores what this process teaches us about our own growth.Dedicated to Rebbetzin Sharon Shenker a"h, Shayna Lia bas Yehuda Zerach Dedicated to Lucy, Maia, and Rena Dee a"h<...
Season 5
Episode 9
Pesach & Simple Faith
Join Jenna as she discusses why Pesach is the Rosh Hashanah of Emunah (Faith). Click here for all things Modern Jewish GirlSources: Gems from the Nesivos Shalom on Pesach by Rabbi Bi...
Season 5
Episode 8
Purim: The Power of Trust & Joy
Mordechai refused to bow down to Haman, putting the Jews in grave danger. How could he do this? We explore this question and more to make this Purim meaningful and personal! Click here for all thing...
Season 5
Episode 7
Planning For The New Year
Jenna shares a life-changing tool for reflecting on the past year and planning for the next. In doing so, she sheds light on some fundamental ideas going into Rosh Hashanah. Click here for all thing...
Season 5
Episode 6
Elul & My Grandma's Painting
Jenna shares a personal story about a painting she discovered from her grandma, along with some ideas about the Hebrew month of Elul and the process of teshuva (repentance).
Season 5
Episode 5
Shavuos: When We Give, We Receive Much More
On Shavuos, the holiday when we celebrate receiving the Torah, we read Megillas Ruth, the book of Ruth. What is the connection here? Jenna offers an explanation and in doing so, speaks about the role of kindness in Judaism and how we can ...
Season 5
Episode 4
On Being Enough: A Journey Toward Joyful Living with Sarah Pachter
This week Jenna features a friend on the Podcast, Sarah Pachter. Sarah is the author of the new book, Is it Ever Enough? A Journey Toward Joyful Living, published by Feldheim. Sarah and Jenna speak about Sarah's unique Jewis...
Season 5
Episode 3