Exponential Talent
Join organizational psychologist, entrepreneur, and award-winning scientist-practitioner, Shreya Sarkar-Barney as she explores the scientific basis of human potential, performance, and flourishing in the workplace. In this podcast series on exponential talent, you will hear interviews with experts who reveal talent practices that have a multiplier effect. Shreya is the founder and CEO of Human Capital Growth, an evidence-based talent management firm. In 2019, Shreya was awarded the Scientist-Practitioner presidential recognition by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). Shreya is the author of the book “The role of national culture in transfer of training” based on an empirical study covering 49 countries. She is on the editorial board of the SIOP Professional Practice Series. Her research has been published in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Information Technology & People, Organizational Research Methods, and Personnel Assessment and Decisions. She has been a visiting scholar and lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, and tenure track professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology. Shreya earned her Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Bowling Green State University. She is an alumnus of the University of California Entrepreneurship Academy. Shreya lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and works globally.
Podcasting since 2019 • 16 episodes
Exponential Talent
Latest Episodes
Supporting Women in the Workplace: What Men should know
You don’t have to look too far within a professional environment to see that there still exists a significant disparity between the opportunities offered to women and those provided to men. Many of those imbalances lay in employee wages, and ot...
Season 2
Episode 10

Turning Grief and Loss into Creative Inspiration
Humanity is experiencing an unprecedented level of loss and grief. More than 1.2 million deaths have occurred in the last 12 months due to Covid-19 alone. There's a good chance that each of us has within our close circle someone experiencing th...
Season 2
Episode 9

How Leaders can Create Psychological Safety by Encouraging Voice
Jim Detert is the John L. Colley Professor of Business Administration in the Leadership and Organizational Behavior area at the University of Virginia's Darden Graduate School of Business Administration. Dr. Detert's research focuses on workpla...
Season 2
Episode 8

An Evidence-based Perspective on the Future of Work
In this podcast, we discuss the topic of the future of work. We all want to know what jobs may go away in the future and what skills are likely to gain importance. While this topic has been gaining prominence in recent years, what’s missi...
Season 2
Episode 7

Evidence-based HR: Achieve Better Results Faster
This podcast was recorded during the HRWest 2020 conference held in Oakland, California. In this talk, Dr Shreya Sarkar-Barney skillfully leads her participants through a set of thought-provoking questions which reveals the value or lack thereo...
Season 2
Episode 6