Saint Lukes Episcopal Church
Jericho Road is a Sunday school class of Saint Luke's Episcopal Church in Birmingham, Alabama.
155 episodes
One Story, Four Voices: Luke
The Bible calls Luke "The Beloved Physician" and he writes with a physician's eye. We will look for "autographs" from Luke as we study this unique voice int he story of Jesus.

One Story, Four Voices: The Jewish Gospel
All four gospels have a voice, and Matthew's take is definitely from a Jewish perspective. This podcast will highlight Matthew's priority of connecting the New Testament and the Older Testament before.

One Story, Four Voices: The Secret
In Mark's Gospel, Jesus is the loneliest guy in the world. No one truly understands him, not even his closest disciples. This podcast will look at the "secret" of Jesus' ministry and what it means to the world.

One Story, Four Voices: Introduction
The Gospels aren't the oldest words of the New Testament, and the Gospel of Mark is found inside both Matthew and Luke. This episode gives an overview of Mark as the first "voice" in telling the story of Jesus.

Bible Basics: Anything good come out of Nazareth?
Nazareth, the boyhood home of Jesus, is so small and unimportant it isn't mentioned in the Old Testament. Yet God chose this strategically located hamlet for the start of the Greatest Story Ever Told.

Bible Basics: The Other Side
As a companion to our last episode, the Sea of Galilee can tell a great story. In this episode we will travel to the far side of the lake, where Jesus meets a new storm, performs a miracle, and sends a man on a new mission.

Bible Basics: Mary Mysteries
The Bible is a library of books spanning centuries, but sometimes we see characters and stories linked in surprising ways. This podcast links Mary, mother of Jesus, and Hannah, mother of Samuel, to solve a mystery and bring new thoughts on Mary...

Bible Basics: The Man Who Made a King
The prophet Samuel is one of the least understood and yet most important figures in the Hebrew Scriptures. In this episode, we will track rise of the boy who will become the savior of the nation, and maker of kings.

Bible Basics: Father Abraham
The story of Abraham is more than the story of faith, it is the story of us with application for today. The story of Abraham also reveals the meaning of "Covenant." Abraham also gives new meaning to the story of Jesus in a surprising twist!

Bible Basics: Even Peter
This podcast will look at Peter, who is at once brave and cowardly, a conflicted man who will build the Church. But he has to grow to get there, and this story looks a lot like us.

Bible Basics: The Genius of Paul
Paul is among the most important figures in the Bible, with 14 of 27 books credited to his ministry. Yet it is fashionable to dislike Paul, or imagine a curmudgeon with a chip who invented Christianity. This podcast will imagine Paul as the lea...

Bible Basics: The Fourth Gospel
John's Gospel was written much later than others, and as a result is just different. This podcast will contrast John with others and explore unique ways the Fourth Gospel expands our understanding of Jesus.

Bible Basics: What is a Gospel?
In this episode we will explore the first three stories of Jesus, how they are connected, who wrote them, and the artistry of the greatest story ever told. Discussion question: How can old stories of Jesus apply to our lives in the...

Bible Basics: The Tracks of My Tears
We call Jeremiah the "weeping prophet," in part because his heart was broken, and in part because he was beaten up for speaking the truth! In this podcast we will enter the prophet's world and see plenty to cry over...

Bible Basics: He's Not Heavy He's My Brother
Genesis 15-20 is the saga of a family who is called to be different in the way God asks us all to be different, making this the story of us. No one comes close to Jacob in detail and in adventures, and much of it is not pretty. His name means "...

Bible Basics: First Corinthians - "Don't Go Breaking My Heart."
Paul's church in Corinth has been described as the "original problem parish." In this episode we will explore how they got it wrong, the challenges of being different, and what we can learn from reading someone's mail.

Bible Basics: Take it to the Limit
This podcast will look at the Hebrew prophets in general, and Amos in particular, as the first to write it all down. We will also explore what it means to be a people of "Justice."

Bible Basics: My Aim is True
This semester we are going for the basics with a series called "Bible Basics." Many people want to read the Bible but don't know where to start or what it even means. In this first episode, we will look at Paul's letter to the Philippians, the ...

Jericho Road: The Things We Do For Love
While it's true that the Temple was the wonder of the ancient world, someone still had to pay for it. This podcast will explore the concept of the "Temple Tax" additional offerings, and the role of money from a "God's eye" view.
Season 6
Episode 9

Jericho Road: Doctor My Eyes
Jeremiah has been called "The Weeping Prophet," in no small part because the Temple broke his heart. This podcast will look at the role of prophets in a world where people need unvarnished truth.
Season 6
Episode 8

Jericho Road: Life in the Fast Lane
By the time we read of Jesus' birth, Herod the Great was the third richest man on earth, changing the Temple in Jerusalem into the Wonder of the Ancient World. He was also vile, and his cruelty would be legendary. This podcast will explore the ...
Season 6
Episode 7

Jericho Road: Take Me Home Country Road
For the entirety of Jesus' life, the Temple would be a place of pilgrimage, instruction, and worship. In this podcast we will address the Temple as backdrop of the Gospels, and a showdown for the saddest day on earth.
Season 6
Episode 6

Jericho Road: Hello It's Me
When the exiles unexpectedly return to Jerusalem and begin rebuilding, Samaritans arrive like long lost cousins to help. When the Judeans send them packing this begins four centuries of bad relations. This podcast will explore the Samaritan rel...
Season 6
Episode 5

Jericho Road: Right Down the Line
Whatever started with King David was over just 100 years later, with a split kingdom and two warring countries that should be family. This podcast will explore the origins of Israel and Judah, their stories and priorities, and how the Temple lo...
Season 6
Episode 4

Jericho Road: Running on Empty
There are two back stories in Scripture that inform all the others, "Exodus," and "Exile," and we know the first because we've seen the movie. We have chapters and chapters on the Exodus, but with the Exile there are only whispers. In this podc...
Season 6
Episode 3