Animal Agriculture Podcast
Animal agriculture is an ever changing industry. Science is driving rapid changes in how we feed and care for our animals. In order to keep up on the changing landscape, nutritionists and veterinarians are turning to new formats to get timely research in a quick and efficient manner. Nutra Blend’s Animal Agriculture podcasts offers this informative platform to keep you up to date on the latest research.
Podcasting since 2019 • 92 episodes
Animal Agriculture Podcast
Latest Episodes
Managing Molds and Mycotoxins: Critical for Livestock and Poultry Performance
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Kemin's Dr. Vanessa Iseri to disucss how livestock and poultry producers are continuously faced with challenges to feed quality. Molds and mycotoxins are two such feed quality profit robbers ...
Season 2
Episode 48

Evaluating Sustainability in Cattle Production
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Elanco's Dr. Sara Place to discuss how climate change is a hot topic today. Today we will take a deep dive into cattle's role in helping to nurture the earth. Join us for this week's episode ...
Season 2
Episode 47

Organic Acids to Maximize Pig Performance
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Novus' Dr. Brad Lawrence to discuss how when pigs don’t eat, bad bacteria can take over the gut. When these bad bugs outnumber the good ones, producers may see diarrhea or loss of productivit...
Season 2
Episode 46

Receiving Cattle and Stress
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Zinpro's Dr. Chris Reinhardt to discuss how it seems that receiving cattle and stress are synonymous. Much care goes into the planning process of bringing cattle into an operation, and ...
Season 2
Episode 45

Zinc for High Producing Livestock
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Zinpro's Dr. Jeff Weyers and Dr. Chris Reinhardt to to discuss how zinc plays a critical role in immune function, tissue healing, muscle growth, hoof tissue generation, and epithelial barrier...
Season 2
Episode 44