Aging Well with VNA
VNA helps people age with dignity and independence at home. Since 1934, VNA has responded to evolving community needs with innovative client and patient services. VNA was chartered as a nonprofit agency to address the desperate need for health care in Dallas during the Depression. Founded by two tenacious women who provided care to women and children living in the tent cities, VNA is committed to providing the highest quality care to the elderly, frail, disabled and dying. VNA’s programs include Meals on Wheels in Dallas County and Hospice Care, Palliative Care and Private Care in 13 North Texas counties. With 10,000 Baby Boomers turning 65 every day, our aging population is rapidly growing. VNA services and expertise are needed now more than ever. We take pride in providing quality serious illness care and serving as a resource to the aging population and make it our mission to invest our resources into providing compassionate patient care in the communities we serve. Planning for age and illness is vitally important and often ignored by families until a crisis. With our “Aging Well with VNA” podcast series, our goal is to help you and your loved ones understand options, know where to get help and gain tools on how to communicate your wishes. Through education and proper planning, you’ll be giving yourself peace of mind and your loved ones a gift. While VNA is based in North Texas, the series should provide you with relevant information no matter where you live. If you or your loved one needs help aging with dignity, or if you wish to volunteer or donate to VNA, visit www.vnatexas.org or call 1(800)CALL-VNA. Thanks for tuning in!
Podcasting since 2019 • 23 episodes
Aging Well with VNA
Latest Episodes
Visiting Nurse Association Hospice and Palliative Care Fellows Program
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Season 3
Episode 5

A Better Understanding of Supportive Palliative Care
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Season 3
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A Conversation with W. Stephen Love, President & CEO of the Dallas – Fort Worth Hospital Council
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Episode 3

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