Drug Safety Matters
Drug Safety Matters brings you the best stories from the world of pharmacovigilance. Through in-depth interviews with our guests, we cover new research and trends, and explore the most pressing issues in medicines safety today. Produced by Uppsala Monitoring Centre, the WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring.
Podcasting since 2020 • 52 episodes
Drug Safety Matters
Latest Episodes
#35 Veterinary pharmacovigilance part 2 – James Mount
Human and veterinary pharmacovigilance (PV) share many goals, challenges and approaches. But there are also significant differences, such as the numerous animal species that veterinary PV needs to take into account. In this two-part episode of ...
#34 Veterinary pharmacovigilance, Part I – James Mount
Human and veterinary pharmacovigilance (PV) share many goals, challenges and approaches. But there are also significant differences, such as the numerous species and breeds that veterinary PV needs to take into account. In this two-part episode...
#33 Narrative fields and signal assessors, an exploratory study – Joana Félix and Alem Zekarias
While structured data elements such as patient identifier, medicine name and reaction, are fundamental for adverse event reporting, they may not capture all relevant details. This is where the narrative fields come in, allowing reporters to dis...
#32 Pharmacovigilance in older adults – Giovanni Furlan
Medication-related-harm (MRH) is especially prevalent in older adults due to changing physiology as the body ages, increased frailty, and the incidence of polypharmacy in this patient group. Giovanni Furlan, Worldwide Safety Site Lead for Thess...
#31 A guide to reporting disproportionality analyses – Michele Fusaroli and Daniele Sartori
Disproportionality analyses are a mainstay of pharmacovigilance research, but without clear guidelines, they often lead to confusion and misinterpretation. Enter the READUS-PV statement: the first-ever guide for reporting disproportionality ana...