Drug Safety Matters

#22 Reforming pharmacovigilance education – Michael Reumerman

Uppsala Monitoring Centre
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00:00 | 32:54

Healthcare professionals are key players in medicines safety but they often lack the time or knowledge to report adverse drug reactions. To change that, we need to urgently rethink how we teach pharmacovigilance, argues Michael Reumerman from Amsterdam University Medical Centers.

Tune in to find out:

  • How real-life education can benefit healthcare students
  • Which educational intervention can be most impactful
  • How adverse drug event managers can improve pharmacovigilance

Want to know more?

In his PhD thesis, Michael details the current state of pharmacovigilance education and all the real-life interventions he and his colleagues have tested in the Netherlands so far.

As part of an international collaboration, staff at Amsterdam UMC have helped set up the European Open Platform for Prescribing Education (EurOP2E), an online collection of problem-based, open teaching resources to improve clinical pharmacology and therapeutics education.

The World Health Organization’s Guide to Good Prescribing provides a six-step guide for students to the process of rational prescribing – but the time has come to update both its content and form.

In 2018, the Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb developed a core curriculum for pharmacovigilance education in universities.

Whether you’re a healthcare professional or not, check out Uppsala Monitoring Centre’s growing collection of self-paced e-learning courses to learn about different aspects of pharmacovigilance.

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