A podcast dedicated to all things quantitative, ranging from the relevant to the highly irrelevant. Co-hosts Patrick Curran and Greg Hancock talk about serious statistical topics, but without taking themselves too seriously. Think: CarTalk hi-jacked by the two grumpy old guys from the Muppets, grousing about quantitative methods, statistics, and data analysis, all presented to you with the production value of a 6th grade school project. But in a good way.
167 episodes
S6E16 Correspondence Analysis
In this week's episode Greg and Patrick shine a flashlight on correspondence analysis and find that this is an extraordinarily cool yet often neglected method similar to factor analysis but applied to nominal contingency tables. Along the way t...
Season 6
Episode 16

S6E15 Loglinear Models: Someone Should Have Told You
In this week’s episode Greg and Patrick talk about loglinear models as a clever method to deconstruct the potential dependencies among two or more categorical variables. Along the way, they also discuss Children of the Corn, Mr. Magoo glasses, ...
Season 6
Episode 15

S6E14 Factor Rotation: But is it Art?
In this week's episode Greg and Patrick invoke the very personal interpretation of modern art as a framework for thinking about the exceedingly cool topic of rotation in exploratory factor analysis. Along the way they also discuss Venice Beach,...
Season 6
Episode 14

S6E13 Group Codes in GLM: Dummy and Dummier
In this week's episode Greg and Patrick talk about group coding approaches, like dummy variables and effect code variables, for helping to analyze group differences within the larger general linear model. Along they way they also discuss hackin...
Season 6
Episode 13

S6E12 Suppression Unrepressed
In this week's episode Patrick and Greg explore the fascinating world of suppressor variables which have the nearly magical, yet fully understandable, distinction of being unrelated to the dependent variable yet serving to enhance the predictiv...
Season 6
Episode 12

S6E11 A Brief Holiday Message...
This week we just want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season, and we look forward to sharing more quant fun in the new year. Please take care everyone!
Season 6
Episode 11

S6E10 Instrumental Variables (Dad)Rock!
In today’s episode, Greg and Patrick talk about instrumental variables: what they are, how they help to make causal claims, and the many assumptions and challenges associated with them. Along the way they also mention: Festival of Side Dishes, ...
Season 6
Episode 10

S6E09 Masterpiece Theatre: Skrondal & Laake (2001)
This week Patrick and Greg talk about one of Patrick's favorite papers, which is a masterpiece not only in terms of its quantitative contribution in understanding the differential role of factor scores, but also as a model of clear and concise ...
Season 6
Episode 9

S6E08 The Statenfreude of Generalized Estimating Equations
In this week's episode, Patrick and Greg discuss the benefits and limitations of generalized estimating equations as an approach to dealing with data that violate the assumption of independence. Along the way they also mention: goat rodeos, hau...
Season 6
Episode 8

S6E07 Structural After Measurement and the Muffin of Truth
In this week's episode Greg and Patrick talk about the advantages of recent structural after measurement work, allowing us to break apart traditional structural equation models to analyze the measurement and structural portions separately. Alon...
Season 6
Episode 7

S6E06 Pop Quiz: Acronyms
In this week's episode Greg tries to ambush Patrick by bringing back the popular feature Pop Quiz, this time with a statistical acronym theme, only to pretty much get crushed by Patrick in the end. Along they way they also discuss: Wow That's F...
Season 6
Episode 6

S6E05 Cattell's Data Box
In this week's episode Patrick and Greg discuss Cattell's data box and try to better understand what it is, what it is not, and how we might make use of this in practice. Along the way they also discuss illegal knives, baseball cards, the Cubs ...
Season 6
Episode 5

S6E04 Person-Centered vs. Variable-Centered Analysis
In this week's episode, Patrick and Greg talk about person-centered methods versus variable-centered methods with the punch line being that the historically contentious distinction between these two is unnecessary, unhelpful, and even counter-p...
Season 6
Episode 4

S6E03 Multiple Choice Is ______
In this week's episode Greg and Patrick explore the surprisingly tricky topic of multiple choice items: how to write them, how not to write them, and giving a well written test the respect it deserves. Along the way they also discuss recognizin...
Season 6
Episode 3

S6E02 Judging Inter-Rater Reliability
In this week's episode Patrick and Greg talk about different ways of assessing inter-rater agreement and reliability among two or more raters and the importance of doing so. Along the way they also discuss the summer Olympics, underdogs, monolo...
Season 6
Episode 2

S6E01 Growth as a Predictor? Back to School with Ethan McCormick
In this week's episode, the first of Season 6, Greg and Patrick visit with Dr. Ethan McCormick, an Assistant Professor of Educational Statistics and Data Science in the School of Education at the University of Delaware. After catching up on Eth...
Season 6
Episode 1

S5E25 Is Being a Professor the Right Fit for Me?
In this week’s episode, our 150th and the last of season 5, Greg and Patrick hear from five people at different stages of their academic journey, who share some of their concerns about a career in academia. Along the way we also mention: deaths...
Season 5
Episode 25

S5E24 Zombie Wheel of Distributions
In this week's episode Patrick and Greg somehow manage to tie together pretending to be sick with game shows with zombies with conspiracy boards to explore the remarkable inter-relations among probability distributions, starting with the Bernou...
Season 5
Episode 24

S5E23 A Rosetta Stone for DAGs and SEM
In this week's episode Greg and Patrick talk about both structural equation modeling and directed acyclic graphs, or DAGs, where they are similar and where they are different, and try to provide a Rosetta Stone for translating back and forth be...
Season 5
Episode 23

S5E22 Survival Analysis in the Social Sciences: It's About Time
In this week's episode Patrick and Greg explore the incredibly cool topic of survival analysis, which is a set of techniques that allows for powerful tests of predictors of the amount of time to experiencing an event; yet these models are not o...
Season 5
Episode 22

S5E21 Multilevel Factor Analysis: But What Do The Factors Mean?!
In this week's episode, Greg and Patrick talk about the challenges of combining confirmatory factor analysis and multilevel data, and the underappreciated but absolutely critical role that theory plays in choosing the proper model for your cons...
Season 5
Episode 21

S5E20 Local fit...Because Global Fit Measures Suck!
In this week's episode Greg and Patrick discuss the assessment of global vs. local model fit and they argue that although global measures of fit can be useful, carefully assessing local fit may be of much greater importance in practice. Along t...
Season 5
Episode 20

S5E19 Item Response Theory, Q.E.D.
In this week's episode Patrick and Greg provide an introduction to the Item Response Theory model: what it is, how it relates to traditional factor analysis, and how this modem approach improves upon some of the limitations of classical test th...
Season 5
Episode 19

S5E18 Probability on Spring Break
In this week’s episode, Patrick and Greg play with some of the basics of probability in the context of some classic, fun, and often counterintuitive examples. Along the way they also discuss arguments with relatives, a feel for the roulet...
Season 5
Episode 18

S5E17 Classification and Regression Trees with Yi Feng
In this week's episode Greg and Patrick are honored to visit with Yi Feng, a quantitative methodologist at UCLA, as she helps them understand classification and regression tree analysis. She describes the various ways in which these models can ...
Season 5
Episode 17