Hunt the West
Hunt the West is a podcast with the weekend warrior in mind. I'm your host, Skyler Harrison: just a regular guy with a day job, a family, and a limited budget. If you're like me, you don’t have thousands of dollars and unlimited vacation time to spend in the woods so you need to make it count. There’s so much more to hunting than antlers and points and we talk about it all. Learn the nuances of wildlife conservation and public lands so you can have an educated conversation with non-hunters and hunters alike. The number one goal is to get out and hunt! By getting informed about everything in the hunting world, you’ll be better equipped to take on challenges in the field. Get subscribed and get out there and Hunt the West.
90 episodes
Rifle Hunting Big Mule Deer Bucks w/ Bryce Harrison
#090 - My brother Bryce came on the show today to talk about a big buck that he was able to take with his rifle. We talk about rifle setups, being confident in your equipment, and what it means to "earn" an animal. It's a great conversation, en...
Episode 90

onX maps or goHUNT maps? Which is better?
#089 - I've used both of these apps extensively and I think I know which one I'll be using for the future. If you're considering one of these this scouting season, listen in and see the pros and cons.
Episode 89

Backpack Hunting vs Basecamp Hunting
#088 - Should you backpack hunt or hunt from a basecamp? There are a lot of things to consider, and you may want to think about a few things before you make a decision. You can also have the best of both worlds with a combination of ideas. ...
Episode 88

Solo Archery Elk Calling SUCCESS
#087 - Calling in an elk by yourself can be tricky, but it's possible! This wasn't completely a solo elk hunt, but it kind of was. I was able to call in a bull and succeed at harvesting it solo. There are a lot of lessons that were put to good ...
Episode 87

Recovering a Buck From a Blood Trail w/ Ross Melville
#086 - You'll see why Ross's buck was named "Tracker" after this episode. Ross tells the story of how he came to shoot a buck at last light on the last day of season with a less-than-ideal shot. There are a ton of valuable lessons from this epi...
Episode 86

Conquering The Crowds: Tips for Public Land Hunting Success
#085 - Hunters face unique challenges and obstacles when hunting in crowded public land areas. Game tends to be scarce in public land, it gets moved around a lot. Not just by hunters during season, but by hikers, bikers, off-roaders, birders, b...
Episode 85

Archery Practice, Skills, and Drills for Bowhunters
#084 - This is part 2 of the archery series to help take you from target shooting to hunting success. Not all scenarios are going to be ideal, so as bowhunters we need to be prepared. We need to practice intentionally making shooting scenarios ...
Episode 84

Basics of Bowhunting: Archery Gear and Considerations
#083 - This is part one of a two-part series on becoming a bowhunter. We cover the basics of archery gear and things you might want to think about when buying your first bow and the pros and cons of each thing you attach to it.Check out...
Episode 83

Three FREE Ways To Improve Your Hunting Season
#082 - You don't need new gear to have a great hunting season. Here are three FREE ways to improve your hunting season.
Episode 82

It was worse than I thought - Podcast Update
#081 - I'm alive, I promise...but the website isn't. This is just a quick update episode to let you know my website and email is currently down. If you've tried to contact me in the last six months, I probably didn't answer because I didn't rec...
Episode 81

Utah Shed Hunting Ban
#080 - Will the shed hunting ban do anything? It's impossible to say for sure, but I give you my thoughts on the subject as well as an update on new gear from the Hunt Expo and some upgrades that I've made.
Episode 80

First Generation Bowhunter - Lessons and Hunting Stories w/ Adam Buchanan
#079 - Adam Buchanan is a first-generation bowhunter and runs a podcast called "First Generation Bowhunter". He shares his story of how he came to be a hunter, and how it went getting into archery and then bowhunting. He has some great experien...
Episode 79

Solo Archery Elk Hunting
#078 - I went on an awesome solo elk hunting trip and I'm excited to share it with you all. It's only my second season archery elk hunting and I think it went pretty well.LINKS:Phelps Bugle Tube...
Episode 78

Weekend Warrior Archery Elk Hunting
#077 - I made a weekend warrior trip for archery elk this September and had an awesome time. It was my first time archery elk hunting with a partner, I was lucky enough to have Logan Kendall come with me which was a lot of fun and I learned som...
Episode 77

Wyoming Archery Antelope w/ Ben Jacobs
#076 - Belly crawling over the prairie for Antelope with a bow is a tough way to get a tag filled, but that's exactly what Ben Jacobs did for his first archery kill. What an amazing story, you're going to love this one!Ben's Instagram: ...
Episode 76

First Archery Mule Deer w/ Colby Jorgensen
#075 - Colby Jorgensen killed a tank for his first archery mule deer. It wasn't easy, and there were lots of lessons learned along the way. But as a relatively new bowhunter, he's learned a lot of things that he shares with us in this episode a...
Episode 75

Archery Mule Deer SUCCESS: Lessons For New Bowhunters
#074 - What does it take to have a successful archery hunt? Lots of things, but in this episode I share the story of my first archery kill and 8 lessons I've learned over the last few years that helped me be successful on this hunt.LINK...
Episode 74

Mule Deer Scouting For Weekend Warriors
#073 - This year is going to be tough for me with very little time to hunt and scout. Here are some tips for making the most of your scouting season as a weekend warrior. LINKS:Canvas Cutter
Episode 73

We Must Persevere w/ Eric Carman-Murray
#072 - Eric lost almost 100 pounds, and almost lost his family along the way. This is an amazingly inspirational story about overcoming difficulties and perseverance. They might have to make a movie about Eric's life because I felt like I was i...
Episode 72

We're BACK! ...and so is HUNTING SEASON!
#071 - It's been a minute since I uploaded an episode. But hunting season is around the corner and it's time to get in shape, get the bow tuned, and get ready for season. LETS GO!LINKS:Epi...
Episode 71

Unwritten Rules and Hunting Ethics w/ Ross Melville
#070 - There are a lot of unwritten rules in the woods between hunters and although they aren't formal, I think if we think about some of these situations before we are in them we can avoid a lot of conflict in the woods. Today I'm joined by Ro...
Episode 70

Hunting Stories w/ Rocky Dettamanti
#069 - Rocky Dettamanti is a super experienced outdoorsman. We talk about his first deer, an awesome archery deer hunt, a bear hunt, and the trail camera debate in Utah. Things mentioned in this episode:Rocky Dettamanti's ...
Episode 69

Coyote Hunting Strategy and Tactics | Rerun of Episode 16
#068 - Coyote calling can have a steep learning curve if you’ve never done it before. This episode covers some basic coyote calling tips to get you started. I’m not an expert coyote hunter, but I have had some success and I have done it quite a...
Episode 68

2021 Hunting Gift Guide
#067 - The Holidays are coming quick and there's no better time to get the hunter in your life some sweet gifts. Here's a quick breakdown on stuff I think will make a great gift this season.Canvas CutterEpisode 53 fo...
Episode 67

Rifle Hunting Mule Deer Stories & Lessons w/ Bryce Harrison | Rerun of 21
#066 - Rifle hunting has been getting neglected on the podcast this year. I've been archery hunting a lot so it's been all archery all season long. But it's October now, and it's time for some rifle hunting stories with my brother. This is a gr...
Episode 66