Sleep Works

For The Caffeine Fiends

Sleep Works Season 1 Episode 8

This week on the podcast, our tripod becomes a temporary duo, join Lexi and Leah as they delve into our society's buzzing love affair with caffeine. Why is our daily grind so tied to these stimulants, and what’s it really doing to our sleep? We’re putting the spotlight on our caffeinated culture to find out why we’re all hooked and how it's messing with our sleep. More importantly, we’ll explore strategies to dial back and discover what truly restful sleep can feel like. Sure, you might still snooze after a double espresso, but at what cost to the quality of that rest? Get ready for our usual blend of humor and eye-opening sleep science that might just convince you to rethink that next cup. Grab your decaf and join us for an entertaining and enlightening discussion on kicking the caffeine habit for a better night’s sleep!