The Snappening - Wedding Photography Podcast
Join wedding photographers Greg and Thom for a weekly conversation about cats, music, obscure Simpsons quotes, cameras, and of course... their ongoing experiences in wedding photography.
The Snappening - Wedding Photography Podcast
Episode 152: Have you ever heard of a Wedding Content Creator?
Greg Campbell and Tom Stewart
Season 1
Episode 152
Hey heeeey kids!!! Episode 152 is live and oooh it's a good ranty one! We speak about pricing - where is the balance between too many bookings at a low price and too few at a high price? We chat about a great way to send photos straight to the Photos app for easy social media uploading. Then we get to the meat of the bone about Content Creators... are they they annoying and intrusive or the next big opportunity?
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Your hosts:
Greg is based in Northland, New Zealand
Thom is based in NSW, Australia
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Make it Snappen!