The Snappening - Wedding Photography Podcast
Join wedding photographers Greg and Thom for a weekly conversation about cats, music, obscure Simpsons quotes, cameras, and of course... their ongoing experiences in wedding photography.
161 episodes
Episode 159: Have you experienced this Lightroom glitch?
Hey hey! Today we chat about a pretty dumb Lightroom glitch where the image doesn't skip when you want it to - and through our own testing we might've found a workaround! Tom also gets hustled by a Facebook Marketplace user - but Big T get the ...
Season 1
Episode 159

158: Less portraits, more photojournalism
Hi SnappersIn 159 Greg and Thom discuss a big shift in mindset when it comes to shooting weddings: that of shooting fewer portraits, and allocating less portrait time, and placing more emphasis on documenting the day as a whole, and sho...
Season 1
Episode 158

157: Tom has a road kill story and Greg talks workflows
Yo yo! So Tom has a pretty savage road kill story that kinda kills the mood... then Greg tries to salvage it with a workflow epiphany. No matter how hard we try to talk about things unrelated to photography we keep seeming to make them link bac...
Season 1
Episode 157

Episode 156: 'FloGate' and Greg might transition to a studio business model
Greetings, SnappersToday's episode has some SERIOUS thicc topics and some mega deep cuts! First, we chat about FloGate - Pixieset's recent decision to kill off FloThemes, the Wordpress theme company we all know and love (and mos...
Season 1
Episode 156

Episode 155: Thom and Greg drop the biggest nuggies ever - our top 10 wedding tips!
Hi Snaps, so after some waffling and sausage eating, Thom and Greg get to the meat on the bone and discuss their Top 10 Tips for brides and grooms. This is nuggie country so bring your pickaxe and get ready for some great nuggie prospecting!
Season 1
Episode 155

Episode 154: Clients THINK they want unposed photos... but do they really?
THE SNAPPENING RETURNETH Hey everyone, we are back! Sorry it's been a while. Greg and Thom have both been traveling, and while we did take microphones with us and really wanted to record on the road, we just didn't get there. Super stok...
Season 1
Episode 154

Episode 153: AI editing is stupid! (got your attention, didn't we)
Hey there, AI-SnappersLook, our industry is changing fast, largely due to developments in AI. Computers can now edit for us, and even cull for us! But is this a good thing? Is it ethical to have an AI system edit our photos? Is the qu...
Season 1
Episode 153

Episode 152: Have you ever heard of a Wedding Content Creator?
Hey heeeey kids!!! Episode 152 is live and oooh it's a good ranty one! We speak about pricing - where is the balance between too many bookings at a low price and too few at a high price? We chat about a
Season 1
Episode 152

Episode 151: Thom hates film wedding photographers...
Ok listen... the cat's out of the bag - Thom can't stand film photos at a wedding. He lies down on the velvet chaise lounge and vents his frustrations - to a very receptive Greg who basically feels the same way. Also - the Canon R3... we tried ...
Season 1
Episode 151

Episode 150: Can you shoot a wedding with one camera body?
Wassssuppp!?!?!? Episode 150 is live - Thom and Greg talk gear today, as Greg is only a couple of months away from his next storm chasing trip. Thom has been scheming hard about having a single camera body at weddings - he's been eyeing up the ...
Season 1
Episode 150

Episode 149: Monitors, and how to make sure you get fed properly at a wedding
Hey Snap family! Listen, we all get hungry. Especially after standing and shooting for 6 hours. So it's supremely disappointing to find out our meal has been forgotten, or to receive a meal that isn't really filling. In Episode 149...
Season 1
Episode 149

Episode 148: Ok maybe we admit that B&W blurry photos aren't so bad
Hey snappers - where did the last eight weeks go? Well we’re recording today and we start off by getting into how terrible the weather has been in Auckland. What do you do when it’s a rainy day? Then we chat about what it’s like to tak...
Season 1
Episode 148

Episode 147: Get the bridesmaids on your side! This can drastically improve your day
Hello, citizens of the Snap realmWe hope you enjoy our new looser format of recording! We basically just hit record and talk about whatever wedding-related thing comes to us - we love it. In this episode, we canvas a whole heap of topic...
Season 1
Episode 147

Episode 146: We're BACK!
After a huge hiatus we're back at the microphones for some more Snappening goodness. Greg is lamenting over his first negative review, Thom is trying to not be so busy and we're both wondering if it's time to go to electric vehicles? - - - ...
Season 1
Episode 146

Episode 145: SOLVED! Is displaying your pricing worth it?
We're back! It's been so long and we launch straight into the supernatural, cars and Greg has a Lightroom hack. But most importantly, Thom has some real world feedback on how putting his prices on his website has changed his lead numbers and co...
Season 1
Episode 145

Episode 144: Should you display your prices publicly on your site?
G'day Snappers! So this week we chat about an age-old question that has been on photographers' minds for many years. Should we put our prices up on our websites for everyone to see? Or should we ask that potential couples contact us to receive ...
Season 1
Episode 144

Episode 143: Our approach to Instagram reels and how to turn down a client
Hey Snappers - This week we discuss Instagram reels and client red flags. Can you help us find the solution to turning down a client? Thom was confronted by a couple who didn't make it onto his social media. Find out how we navigate an awkward ...
Season 1
Episode 143

Episode 142: How to edit super fast
Hey snappers - Greg is back from Australia and Thom is in Croatia! Today we chat about Thom's alternative to business cards, our approach at client meetings and compare our editing processes. Listen up for our wisdom on the art of a quick and s...
Season 1
Episode 142

Episode 141: Thom is traveling and Greg has a new editing business!
Hey snappers - we managed to squeeze in an episode before Thom hits the road on his 6 month trip - but we promise we'll be recording as he goes as well. Today we chat about culling... it's the never ending saga of how to do it faster and easier...
Season 1
Episode 141

Episode 140: Greg's unpleasant wedding experience, and how to fix misfocused photos with AI
Hey Snappers! It's mid autumn here down under - perfect photographer weather. In episode 140 things get a little heavy; unfortunately Greg recently had a groomsman get a little too touchy feely with him (similar to what happened to Thom...
Season 1
Episode 140

Episode 139: Blurry photo trends and Greg's new Mac Studio
Ok listen. Every wedding photographer has a different style. Our industry would be super boring if we all shot in the same way. BUT there are some trends that we at The Snappening just don't like, and one of them is that of intentionall...
Season 1
Episode 139

Episode 138 - How to sell more prints from your print lab
G'day Snap-pirates! Episode 138 is busting with beautiful banter. Greg couldn't shoot enough portraits at the wedding, but saved the day by offering the couple a post-wedding shoot. Thom realises some of his wedding terminology wasn't a...
Season 1
Episode 138

Episode 137: One of us bought a Mac Studio Ultra!
Hey snappers! Well if you know Greg and Thom then you know we love new Mac stuff. Greg in particular is at froth level midnight over the new Mac Studio announcement. We go over the news as well as cover a couple of other things: 1) managing gro...
Season 1
Episode 137

Episode 136: 8 hours vs 10 hours coverage - what's the sweet spot?
SORRY we have been so quiet, snappers! Both Greg and Thom are under the pump right now, with wedding season in full swing. All of 2021's covid postponements seem to have fallen in Feb and March so we're super busy shooting and editing! Greg eve...
Season 1
Episode 136

Episode 135: We're BACK! And we go deep...
Hello snappers! Remember us? We have had an amazing break and we're back with so many nuggies you'll beed a knapsack! Thom is all about streamlining his packages at the moment - he wants to be working smarter, not harder and he has some great i...
Season 1
Episode 135