FASTER Cycling
If you're into road cycling, triathlon, gravel cycling, or mountain biking, this podcast will help make you faster. We find industry experts on a wide range of topics to educate you on getting faster.
FASTER Cycling
Protein for Cyclists, Protein Types, Protein Timing, & Optimal Grams Per Day
FLO Cycling
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00:00:00 | 01:03:53
Protein is one of the three macronutrients and plays a crucial role for cyclists. In this episode of faster we talk with Scott Tindal from Fuelin about the amount of protein that's optimal for cyclists, protein timing, the different types of protein, and much more. Most of the world consumes far too little protein and this can have serious impacts on performance and health. Listen to this episode to learn everything you need to about protein so you can become FASTER.
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