The Derm Vet Podcast
Tune in to make veterinary dermatology more fun than frustrating! This podcast features Dr. Ashley Bourgeois, DVM, Dip ACVD sharing practical tips on dermatologic workups you can bring to clinical practice right away. Also, stories about navigating the messy (yet beautiful) journey of being a vet mom while building a career you love.
263 episodes
263. When to suspect a hormonal disorder in your derm case
Hormonal disorders can be very difficult to recognize in dermatology cases, especially since many of these cases have been managed for other conditions like allergies earlier in their life.So, when do you suspect a hormonal disorder in y...
Season 6
Episode 263

262. Skin issues in overweight pets
Obesity has been an increasing issue in dogs and cats over the years. This could be due to increased caloric intake, reduced physical activity, endocrinopathies, etc. There are many issues that occur with obese pets: cardiac issues, joint pain,...
Season 6
Episode 262

261. Facial fold dermatitis- diagnose, treat and maintain
With brachycephalic breeds being a common allergic patient, facial fold dermatitis is a common occurrence. Clinical signs can include facial rubbing, scratching, odor, etc. Thought it occurs frequently in these patients, it can be easy to overl...
Season 6
Episode 261

260. Client Compliance: how do veterinarians improve this?
We can feel like we put together a great plan for a pet's allergies, but if it doesn't happen then it doesn't matter. Instead of being frustrated about client compliance, how can we make it better? We have to consider the financial,...
Season 6
Episode 260

259. Cyclosporine: the forgotten allergy medication
There have been so many wonderful tools added to our management of allergic dermatitis in dogs over the last decade. Apoquel, Cytopoint and Zenrelia have all been medications that provide quick itch relief with a more targeted approach.
Season 6
Episode 259

258. WHAT skin lesions to look for...
Viewing several skin cases day after day can make recognizing different types of skin lesions daunting... However, evaluating skin integrity, alopecia, skin thickness, etc. can help guide the differential list and fine tune the diagnostic appro...
Season 6
Episode 258

257. What does "cytology everything" mean?
A common phrase around The Derm Vet is "cytology everything". But, what does that actually mean?Looks weird? Cytology.Itchy spot? Cytology.How long to treat an infection? Cytology.Things changed? Cytology.Cytology ev...
Season 6
Episode 257

256. When to send an ear case to derm vs. surgery
As a general practitioner with a bad ear case, where do you send them... Derm or Surgery? There are some clear cut reasons like severe calcification that can lead to case being best served by surgery. However, there are other things to consider...
Season 6
Episode 256

255. DIETS: hydrolyzed vs novel protein
Picking a food for a diet trial can be really tough. Do you choose hydrolyzed, novel protein, home-cooked, etc.? Is there just ONE perfect diet to rule in or out food allergy?Check out this week's episode of The Derm Vet podcast to lear...
Season 6
Episode 255

254. Anal Sac issues and gut health: how Glandex can help
Our first interview of the New Year! I'm very excited to interview Dr. James Bascharon. Dr. Bascharon is a veterinarian and CEO & Founder of Vetnique. He is the inventor of Glandex®, a patented formulation and the first medication of its ki...

253. New Year, New Derm
As we welcome in the year 2025... there are some ways we can change the practice of veterinary dermatology. Sure, we hope for continued new products, diagnostics, etc. However, there are simple changes that can make right now that will make you...
Season 6
Episode 253

252. We need to calm down! Releasing the pressure of derm perfection
With the end of the year comes a lot of reflection... and stress. Working on chronic dermatology cases can provide frustration as many medications and differentials aren't always a slam dunk on the first exam. So, ending the year o...
Season 6
Episode 252

251. How cats and dogs are different with distribution
Cats and dogs are very different with their skin lesions and distribution is no different. If a dog presents with claw fold disease, the list of differentials is much better than a cat with claw fold skin disease. Throw in oral lesions and otit...
Season 6
Episode 251

250. Ear disease- quick way to be complete
It can be hard in a busy practice to fully work up and treat recurrent otitis. I wanted to provide a quick and easy way to reimagine these cases when they walk into your door. When you see an ear case, I want you to think of two Is and two Ws. ...
Season 1
Episode 250

249. What GPs wish derms knew about the cases they refer
I asked and you delivered!!!! I wanted to know what general practitioners wish dermatologists knew before they referred a case. You gave me lots of great points!A recurring theme in my responses... write it down! If an owner declines a ...
Episode 249

248. Thankfulness in dermatology
It is Thanksgiving in the USA... I asked you what you are thankful for in dermatology. From cytology to Pseudopelade to dermatologists, find out what you were thankful for as listeners and what I am thankful for as a podcaster!TIMESTAMP...
Season 5
Episode 248

247. Weird diagnosis: deep fungal
Depending on where you live geographically, you may see a lot of deep fungal disease or not much at all. How do you recognize deep fungal disease? What diagnostics can be done?Even if you don't see a lot of deep fungal disease where you...
Season 5
Episode 247

246. Isoxazolines
Isoxazolines are anti-parasitics that inhibit chloride channels in the nervous systems of invertebrates. This paralyzes and kills parasites by blocking the transmission of neuronal signals. Isoxazolines are more selective to fleas,...
Season 5
Episode 246

245. Canine Demodicosis
Thanks to the isoxazolines... we don't see demodex as much as we used to! However, it is still a disease that can be overlooked and important to recognize and treat. But when treatment can range from nothing to an anti-parasitic... how do you a...
Season 5
Episode 245

244. Spoooooky derm tips
Happy Halloween!I asked for your spooky derm concerns and you delivered! Check out our top 5 sppoookkkyyy derm tips on this week's episode of The Derm Vet podcast.1. Combining immunosuppressive drugs2. Feline otitis3. Cu...
Season 5
Episode 244

243. Why the non-drug stuff matters
Derm drugs are SO important! BUT... there is a reason we talk about multimodal therapy being so essential in managing allergic cases. Preventatives, diet, immunotherapy, topicals, supplements, etc. are crucial. However, we have to tailor and cu...
Season 5
Episode 243

242. Zenrelia: a new tool for canine allergic dermatitis!
Here it is... I have questions. You have questions. We all have questions about the new canine allergy medication: Zenrelia. I was able to have Tom Lewis, DVM, DACVD on the podcast who was involved with the initial studies and has ...
Season 5
Episode 242

241. How do we stop bacterial resistance?
No doubt that bacteria keep getting smarter and smarter... recently, I had a culture come back from a superficial pyoderma with NO ANTIBIOTIC OPTIONS! So we have to pivot and consider options such as dilute bleach rinses.What terminolog...
Season 5
Episode 241

240. Is ear cytology really worth the client's money?
Allergies add up! Is it really that important to perform ear cytology when most of commercial products have combination ingredients? What do you do if an ear is not responding?Learn why it is crucial to justify the cost of repeated ear ...
Episode 240

239. How to implement Phovia into your daily practice
Phovia is an innovative form of photobiomodulation that is easy to use in a veterinary clinical practice and can have several benefits (antibacterial, wound healing, etc.). It is easy to use and fast!But, what kind of cases could ...
Season 5
Episode 239