The Derm Vet Podcast
Tune in to make veterinary dermatology more fun than frustrating! This podcast features Dr. Ashley Bourgeois, DVM, Dip ACVD sharing practical tips on dermatologic workups you can bring to clinical practice right away. Also, stories about navigating the messy (yet beautiful) journey of being a vet mom while building a career you love.
The Derm Vet Podcast
250. Ear disease- quick way to be complete
Ashley Bourgeois, DVM, Dip ACVD
Season 1
Episode 250
It can be hard in a busy practice to fully work up and treat recurrent otitis. I wanted to provide a quick and easy way to reimagine these cases when they walk into your door. When you see an ear case, I want you to think of two Is and two Ws. What are they?
Check out more on this quick and dirty episode of The Derm Vet podcast!
00:00 Intro
00:25 Ear Disease: Two I's and Two W's
01:04 Infection
02:18 Inflammation
03:55 Wash
05:45 Why
07:14 Summary
08:00 Outro