The Derm Vet Podcast

256. When to send an ear case to derm vs. surgery

Ashley Bourgeois, DVM, Dip ACVD Season 6 Episode 256

As a general practitioner with a bad ear case, where do you send them... Derm or Surgery? There are some clear cut reasons like severe calcification that can lead to case being best served by surgery. However, there are other things to consider like client expectations, finances, patient compliance, etc. that are not as straightforward.

Check out this week's episode of The Derm Vet podcast to gain confidence on where to refer your next difficult ear case!

00:00 Intro
00:25 Managing Ear Disease
01:20 Videotoscopy
06:46 Owner Expectations and Options
10:12 Bloodhound example
12:41 Summary/Outro