Firing The Man
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Firing The Man
Empowering Entrepreneurs: Mindset, Emotional Intelligence, and Achieving Seven-Figure Growth with Bridget Hom
Renowned mindset coach, motivational speaker, and bestselling author Bridget Hom returns to share her incredible journey of personal and professional reinvention. After launching Bridge to Freedom Coaching during the challenges of 2020, Bridget has successfully grown her coaching business, helping entrepreneurs achieve remarkable success through mindset and emotional intelligence. Listen as we explore her expanded Find Your Freedom program, which now incorporates AI lead generation and strategies for achieving seven-figure growth.
Balancing the demands of business and family life is no small feat, but Bridget's insightful strategies and analogies make it achievable. She shares practical techniques like the two-minute brain dump to help entrepreneurs transition smoothly between work and family roles, ensuring they're present and intentional in each area. We celebrate a heartwarming client success story that underscores the value of setting boundaries and managing responsibilities effectively, highlighting how mastering emotional intelligence can transform personal and professional lives.
Entrepreneurship is constantly evolving, and Bridget's guidance sheds light on the traits that set successful entrepreneurs apart. With a focus on perseverance, opportunity recognition, and relationship building, Bridget offers invaluable advice for entrepreneurs at various stages of their journey. Plus, get a sneak peek into her upcoming books and a special e-guide gift designed to enhance prospecting skills. Join us as we uncover the unique qualities of entrepreneurs, the impact of their past struggles, and the support available to guide them to success.
How to connect with Bridget?
Welcome everyone to the Firing the man podcast, a show for anyone who wants to be their own boss. If you sit in a cubicle every day and know you are capable of more, then join us. This show will help you build a business and grow your passive income streams in just a few short hours per day. And now your hosts, serial entrepreneurs David Shomer and Ken Wilson.
Speaker 2:Welcome everyone to the Firing the man podcast. We are thrilled to welcome back Bridget Hom for another inspiring episode. Bridget is a highly acclaimed mindset coach, motivational speaker and author of the bestselling book Stuck on Ready. Through her Find your Freedom programs, bridget has transformed the lives of countless entrepreneurs and leaders, empowering them to reinvent themselves and achieve personal and professional success. We're excited to have a deep dive into her journey and insights. Welcome back to the show, bridget.
Speaker 3:Thanks, david, I always love sharing space with you.
Speaker 2:Thank you, yeah, absolutely so. You joined an elite club today of second time guests and it's a short list and very excited to have you back to the show. So for those of our listeners that did not tune into episode 199, can you share a little bit about your background and experiences?
Speaker 3:Absolutely. Here's the quick story During the reinvention evolution of 2020, I was on my way to getting Zoom, divorced, moved out of my big beautiful home, moved into an apartment with my three young boys and I had no income coming in because my senior's industry job well disappeared to the new safety regulations. So that's when I fully launched Bridge to Freedom Coaching into the virtual space and I haven't looked back since. You know, as I say, jumping with two feet and I had six clients within six weeks and all my programs were born Motivational speaking, group sales, trainings, the bestselling books stuck on ready. And here we are today, david. I was able to get to a six year plus income during the first year of business able to get to a six-year plus income during the first year of business.
Speaker 2:That's outstanding. That's outstanding. What a really, really good story and I can share. You know, a couple of weeks ago, I reached out to you and I was feeling a little lost. I just exited two businesses and was really not sure what to do next. And we had a great conversation. I felt re-centered after it, and so it is not shocking to me that you're excelling in this space and doing a really, really good job. So what have you been up to since our last interview?
Speaker 3:Oh, wow. Well, it's been two years, so a lot has changed drastically. Well, the Find your Freedom program, my signature program, I mean we have really expanded it, and when I say we, I mean all the people that I've gotten to work with. I've gotten to work with hundreds of business owners since we talked last, and so every single person I meet with it's like a new skill set and skill set added to the program. So my program now offers AI lead generation. We talk about, I mean a brand new skill set to talk about seven-figure growth and, as always, the favorite mindset strategies of honoring your roles and goals and becoming truly intentional and emotional, intelligent in all your interactions. So it's been kind of wild and exciting. As well as the group coaching program I also added in since we last chatted.
Speaker 2:That's outstanding. So find your freedom. In firing the man, I do feel like there's a lot of overlap, right? You know, firing the man is about, you know, leaving your corporate job, going out on your own or just kind of regaining your freedom and ownership of your time. And so what are some of the overlaps and what would be some of the differences between firing the man our mission and what you're doing at Find your Freedom?
Speaker 3:I don't think there are any differences, actually. Okay, my signature programs are focused on a mindset skill set and skill set for successful, empowered entrepreneurship. So I think we're totally in the same lane of burn the ships, jump ship, if you want to, from corporate and just get to this new place of entrepreneurship where you can do life and business on your terms. We are in the same lane, David.
Speaker 2:I like it. I like it. Oh, that's great and I can say from my perspective helping people find that freedom through firing the man, through changing jobs, through taking risks and trying new things is incredibly rewarding, and I would imagine that you're probably feeling the same thing with your experiences you're having with people you're coaching.
Speaker 3:Every single day, every single. I will tell you. I didn't tell you this, david, so I'm going to tell you now. For the people who did still want to stay in the boat, which is totally fine, I think we need amazing employees in this world. One of my my books that I started writing we'll talk about that a little bit really speaks to leading a culture and creating that culture of connectivity, and every single person on this planet and every company and every family and every relationship deserves to understand how to have intentional alignment in their life. And so I'm saying it now. I launched the six-week Life Mastery Alignment Program specifically focused on my law of deservability, mental rehearsal, the four selves, all of my mindset strategies that are helping entrepreneurs to stay in that headspace, that mindset, to be in authentic alignment in every area of their lives and businesses.
Speaker 2:Absolutely, I love it. I love it. So one question I have for you. After working with a lot of entrepreneurs it's a special bunch it's a special bunch People seem to bring, and I don't know what exactly forms an entrepreneur I have found oftentimes like early childhood trauma is a great way to build an entrepreneur, and I don't know why, but I talked to a lot of people that are really successful and they've had serious struggle at some point during their life, whether it be addiction, whether it be abuse or what. So what? What are your observations about? You know the stereotypical entrepreneur and and what are some ways that entrepreneurs can kind of get out of their own way?
Speaker 3:Wow. It definitely is linked to the subconscious program. One of the reasons I founded the law of deservability was because I needed a way to explain that connection between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind and how much control we absolutely have over our own destiny and our own destination. We don't. We choose to keep those subconscious programs alive trauma, negative experiences, et cetera and we're not really taught how to take ownership of our direction in life. And so I think entrepreneurship becomes attractive to many people who have experienced lack of control in their space or their destiny, of where they're headed in life. Entrepreneurship is very attractive because you get to create your own reality and how you're going to do your business. So I would say, for those creative minds or those people who are feeling they're lacking in control of their lives, entrepreneurship is a boat that they want to jump in so that they can start experiencing that authenticity for the first time.
Speaker 2:Sometimes, Absolutely, absolutely. And you know, we were talking before the episode about some links between parenting and entrepreneurship. Time stories, uh, and, and doing my best not to give them trauma, uh, I, I, I'm like I'm not building an entrepreneur here, I've not like you know what I mean, and and so, but I do think there's a lot, there's some overlap between parenting and business, and we were just about to talk about this before the episode and we, we said time out, let's save it for the pod, and so what are some connections there? And you, as a parent of three, what would be your advice to parents who are also business owners and trying to seek that overlap?
Speaker 3:Well, this is a multifaceted conversation, David. First off, I would say kudos to those who have more than two. I would say that after you hit that two level, you develop superpowers.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:After two, you develop these new superpowers, develop these new neural pathways where you can almost get to the level of multitasking. Everything you do is faster. You know, I vacuum my whole house in 3.2 seconds. It's remarkable.
Speaker 3:But what I would say that the underlying, the underlying desire of every single parent is to have business success but also have a lifestyle where they honor their roles and goals at the same time. And how do they do that? You know I have to share a funny story of how I explained going from one child to three children. Can I share that with you? And you have to tell me you can relate. Anyone listening can probably relate to this. Somebody asked me like wow, you have three kids. You're a business owner, you do ministry on the side. How do you do it? You know, and she, she was looking at me kind of like I was crazy and judging me for having more than two children, which I get right. We have to have an element of craziness to engage in more than two children. And so I said you know what, If that one child is kind of like going on a date with your significant other, it's calm, you listen to each other.
Speaker 3:The experience is probably less than an hour. Having two kids is like the double date. It's fun, it's exciting. You're talking over each other, you share a bunch of appetizers. It's a good time Like so. Do you like a party or do you like going on a date with your significant other?
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's a good comparison. It is a good comparison. And yeah, yeah, there's something that you said about honoring the roles as a parent and then also being a business owner, and you know, this is something that I struggle with, and I think a lot of our listeners struggle with this as well is striking that balance. You know every minute that I'm working on my business is striking that balance. You know, every minute that I'm working on my business, I'm generally not with my children, and it's important for me to work on my business. That's what puts food on the table. But there's also this push and pull, and maybe I should just sit with it and be okay with that tension or the push and pull, but I never feel like I strike the balance right. You know I, and so what would be some advice to people who are trying to balance the two?
Speaker 3:I'll tell you exactly what I coach my clients through in order to honor their goals and goals. The truth is, our mind is always going, especially as business owners. When you have your own business, you bring it with you into everything. But if you want to become more intentional in your roles time you know, after five o'clock or whenever your hours of operation are, which I encourage you to set do a quick two minute brain dump to dump the work, the work stuff, the work to do's on paper and then, by the end of the two minutes, you will embrace the role the father, mother, wife, husband role and you'll be able to shift successfully into being more present with what you're going to do next.
Speaker 3:I always encourage the two minute brain dumps to do that shift. Gift yourself a shift into those different roles. You will be an entirely different person because now you won't be thinking about all the work stuff that you have to do. You've put it on paper. You can now fully embrace that romance with life that you truly want. That's why we do life and business on our terms. Anyway. You want to have more time with your roles.
Speaker 2:I love that and you know, I think this is especially common in e-commerce, but it can be in a lot of different industries where someone is operating a business from home.
Speaker 2:And you know, I remember when I was working as a CPA, I had a 30-minute drive on my way home. That 30-minute drive served a purpose in that it allowed me to transition from a CPA worker to dad or husband and and you know my typical day working out of a home office I, the dad and husband, is just on the other side of the door and there's no transition. And so I like this idea of a two minute dump because it that would allow you to be more present and kind of leave, leave work in the office and join the rest of your family for fun and parenting and all of that stuff. So I like that. I really like that. I'm going to implement that so well, very good. One thing I always enjoy chatting with you about is hearing success stories. You work with a ton of entrepreneurs and curious if you have any recent success stories that you could share with our audience.
Speaker 3:Absolutely. I have a gentleman I worked at Actually, he's a marketing agency very successful. He has a lot of experience. He was in Goldman Sachs companies. He actually was able to scale to the point where he couldn't take on any new clients for 2025 by October of this year and it was pretty remarkable. The other gentlemen and women that I am working with they said I've never experienced a way, the kind of alignment, as you call it. No one ever taught me that I can have it all within me and I can say, hey, I'm going to do self-care here and I can put everything all together. Where it starts to transform how I have relationships with others, not only professionally but personally. So the law of deservability has really helped many, countless individuals to get to a new place where they see themselves differently, they're experiencing life differently, not only scaling their business and making the six, seven figures, but they're actually happier as a whole, and I think that that's something that we have all talked about, that we want, but nobody actually teaches you how to get it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I, I fully agree, and it's not something that's really taught in a classroom. You know, I hear you talk about emotional intelligence a lot. Definitely not a class in an MBA program and it wasn't a class in undergrad. It wasn't a class in high school. There's no training for this. You just kind of pick it up along the way and some people never do. And so what would be for people that are wanting to step up their game there, what would be some ways to do that?
Speaker 3:Great question. Well, and according to Forbes, 90% of top performers have high emotional intelligence, have high EQ. And the first step is to gain self-awareness. The brain dump is also an emotional regulation exercise, but it's a self-awareness exercise. I encourage people to ask what do I notice about myself? Because then you can get to the next level, which is self-direction.
Speaker 3:Self-direction is where you choose after you realize okay, this is where I'm at, when do I want to go, what goals do I want to honor today? Am I going in the right direction? Because I just paused with a purpose of figuring out. Am I in alignment with my ultimate destination, of what I want to accomplish as a business owner today, in my roles as well? And then the next level, which is high levels of emotional intelligence, is self-actualization. That's where you see the high performers in our country, in our culture. You know the Elon Musks of the world. Where they don't, it's not about making the higher dollar signs at this point. The the number one goal is self-actualization, where everything, success is a reflection of their total alignment within themselves. So everything starts to honor that alignment. And this is it's because it's easier to make decisions when you know exactly what you want.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I'd like to go deeper on that. I and when you had mentioned like pausing, I, it's, it's uh 1 30 in the afternoon. From the time I sat in my chair to now, I have not paused. Uh, I in and I, I think that's something. As an entrepreneur, especially as a business owner, you're always putting out fires. It is easy to not pause. And so what would be some tools or techniques or ways to build that into your day? Because I fully agree with you, I fully agree that pausing and asking yourself is this in alignment with my long-term goals? Is it great, Is a great move. However, I, I don't do it and I should, I should, and so, yeah, what would be some ways for people to build that into their routine to where it just becomes second nature?
Speaker 3:First off, when you start your hours of operation, you want to start with some mindset work, because mindset's the number one problem and the number one solution, and actually Stanford Research Institute says that 78% or 75% of business success is built upon the foundation of mindset. Wow, so you want to first. You want to. First of all, you have to convince yourself that mindset work is important, because many of us we're like strategy, tactical tools what's next? How many people are we going to meet? It feels as a numbers game and it definitely is. However, your mindset will determine how you're going to show up today.
Speaker 3:90% of our communication is nonverbal and whatever you communicate, it's going to be on the foundation of who you're being when you're doing. Get started with the brain down, acknowledge how you want to show up today and get to the point where you can sit and be totally present. A good way to do like a quick check on how present you are have a conversation with someone and ask yourself am I listening to them? Am I feeling some peace, peace of mind, or are you having a conversation with your relationship and with your own thoughts?
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, which is so often, like so often can be the case where you are talking to somebody but you're not there. You're not present, You're thinking of something else, and so I really, really like that. Why do you think and I have a suspected answer for this, but I'm curious what your answer is why do you think they don't teach this in schools?
Speaker 3:I think that largely this is a higher level of education that I think most people ever get to education that I think most people ever get to.
Speaker 3:There's a reason that most of the top performers, the top business owners, invest in emotional intelligence. I think that it is starting to trickle down. I'm seeing a lot, even my son's school right now starting to teach some of his classes. Actually, his teacher has them do a brain dump when they get started in class. I was shocked and very pleasantly surprised. It's starting to trickle down to teach children that self-awareness, which is awesome. We're working on the self-direction. I'm seeing more teen coaches emerge. We actually hired one for my oldest son, who's 14. And I really, really appreciate it. They're teaching resilience, because part of emotional intelligence is that mental resilience, to be able to have conversations with different cultures, with different backgrounds, with people who disagree with you. That's how we really want to grow the emotional intelligence in a culture as well as corporate culture too. So I'm seeing a lot more teens coaches, consultants, start to teach this as an aspect of their businesses, as well as people who want to make an impact in the school systems.
Speaker 2:I love that and that's good. I don't have kids that are going to school yet, but it's good to hear that that's going on, Because it's something that, as when I was in school, was never really touched on. This is maybe my pessimistic view of the world, but I think that not teaching this makes great employees. When you empower somebody to be present and to not be brainwashed and to have a high EQ, sometimes that doesn't make a good employee. It makes a good business owner, and it's maybe that's like. I am prone to conspiracy theories and that may be it, but it's good to hear that that it's going on right now.
Speaker 3:You know, actually I'm working on some new programs to help people who are working in corporate the leaders and the teams to develop that high EQ, but in a way that creates synergy and cohesion between the teams and the leaders, versus alienating them from their leaders or helping them to say, hey, I want to jump ship and do my own thing because I'm critically thinking. So I'm actually. I partnered with a gentleman who recently gave me his company and he developed the prop method and it's a problem-solving method and it helps companies that he worked with Mattel. He worked with a couple I mean over a hundred Fortune 100 companies, helping them to critically think. It's called the Axiom Group and I'm very, very excited to have onboarded that company and so we're going to start working with those companies and then we're combining emotional intelligence, the EQ strategies that I've created and founded, so that people know how to create a culture based on who they're being when they're doing, so that they can do doing better. A little bit of a tongue twister.
Speaker 2:I like that and I'm sitting here thinking about what? Yeah, no, I really like that. How he gave you the company. Tell me about that.
Speaker 3:Well, it was divine inspiration, Okay, and he actually told me. The Holy Spirit said to have this, this is yours and you're going to take care of this, and do you want me to work with you on this? I will. Brilliant businessman, brilliant man of God, and I'm very excited to be working with him on this to continue the legacy of inspiring future corporations with more and better, as I talk about, in Stuck on Ready.
Speaker 2:That's outstanding. I'm glad that you brought up Stuck on Ready. Let's get into that. It's a bestselling book that you authored For people that haven't read it, which everybody should. What could somebody expect to get out of that book?
Speaker 3:The best feedback I've gotten from the book is that everything in it is actionable for business growth. They can't flip a page without learning a new strategy. I've had people tell me they were angry when they just got the audio book because they had to take copious notes. I said you know, just get the book in print. So I'm very grateful that people are using the book. Individuals, entrepreneurs are using the book and it's helping them to grow. That was the goal. That's always the goal of everything as a coach People should grow.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. Let's talk about the title. A little bit Stuck on Ready, where does that come from?
Speaker 3:Yeah, stuck on ready because it takes too long to get ready. As my great friend Brian Daly says Okay, when I started, he goes leaders are stuck on ready because it takes too long to get ready. You have to be always ready to take action before you feel ready. Feelings aren't your friends when it comes to business, growth, life decisions that are in alignment with you. Sometimes you need to step out of that emotional lane and just take imperfect action to get massive results.
Speaker 2:I like that. I like that, and if that was written, I would put imperfect in italics, because that's such an important part of what she said and I think that's what holds a lot of people back is, the landing page isn't perfect. This graphic isn't right. I don't love my logo and I think that's something that holds a lot of people back.
Speaker 3:Well, I would actually say it's one step deeper and it's fear, fear coupled with self-sabotage. They become best friends and then they run your show. You hire them as the CEO, the COO, and then they're telling you what to do and you're the employer. So you have to hire and fire the right mental team every day. But I would say fear as set as a foundation is doomed to fail. Like anything you set as the foundation of fear is doomed to fail. So even if you venture out on your own as an entrepreneur but all you're doing is say I'm afraid I won't be able to make this income, I'm afraid I won't be able to meet the right people, I'm afraid, that's setting fear as the foundation. And so you have to choose. You have to quickly find a mindset strategy to work through that fear daily until it's no longer a part of your subconscious program.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Have you ever thought about that?
Speaker 2:I haven't thought of it in that context, but as I think of things that I that start with fear, they often don't, they don't turn out great, and it's it's when I've been wildly optimistic about something. Oftentimes the end result's much better, and the thing that I, and there are probably hundreds of people listening right now that want to be an entrepreneur they're listening to this podcast because they want to do it as they peek over the fence. It seems great over there, but I'm scared, and I had that too. I had a great job, I had insurance, I had benefits. I was scared and I thought about it. It took starting a podcast called Firing the man and a full year until I, you know, gained the courage to do it, and it was. And so let's let's chat with those people who are peeking over the fence, who are looking at entrepreneurship and saying I'm pretty sure I can do it, but what if it doesn't work out? What if my first product doesn't, you know, go great? What are my parents going to think? What would you say to that group?
Speaker 3:Well, I'll say, I'll encourage you that when I started my coaching business, you know, my loving family and they were my biggest supporters during the time of my launch said you know, bridget, just go get a job somewhere. Like, why don't you just get a simple job? Go back to work at Starbucks that I did in college. Go work for a company, just do a nine to five. What is this coaching thing, even, what are you doing? Like, and they were just really pushing me to do something that they understood. And so you have to cultivate that inner confidence that I know that what I'm doing is in alignment with me. And you know, I saw this quote from Steve Jobs Innovation is the ability to see changes of an opportunity, not a threat.
Speaker 2:I love that quote. I love that quote. What so, going back to your story and I applaud you for making the move that you did, and fresh out of a fresh out of a divorce, three kids like kids and people telling you to go get a job, what's going on in Bridget's mind that allows you to ignore, or maybe listen to the advice but not take it? What led you to ultimately making the decision that you made?
Speaker 3:it what led you to ultimately making the decision that you made. Well, knowing my own big motivating factor we call it.
Speaker 3:I call it my MOFA, big MOFA, knowing that I would do anything it took to pick my kids up from a school bus stop, like anything. At 3 pm, I was going to pick my kids up. That was my motivating factor. No one I would not do anything that would stop me from doing that because it was out of alignment with me.
Speaker 3:It makes you feel really crappy when you're out of alignment with yourself. All the things that you know you should be doing right, and that's called a justification. And justification you don't ever have to justify the next right thought or action ever. The truth is very simple, and so that was what I was have to justify the next right thought or action ever. The truth is very simple, and so that was what I was motivated to do. And so you know, for those who are looking to pivot or reinvent themselves, you feel like you're at a weird plateau or you're just feeling like you're burnt out in what you're doing. Pause with the purpose and get a pen and paper out and write down the five most important things in your life. Write down the five most important things in your life and then put them in order, one being the most important to five and then ask yourself am I honoring these things right now?
Speaker 3:I like that. Am I being authentic in these things that I have right now?
Speaker 2:Would it be fair to call that list your non-negotiables? Absolutely, I like it. I like it, and what a good one. I'm picking my kids up from school the school bus every day and I will not waver from that. A much better foundation than fear, uh, as we just discussed, and so I like it, I really like that. So what you know, you work with a lot of different entrepreneurs, which I think is a really cool lens, uh to to look through. In that you're, you're seeing a lot of different industries, You're working with a lot of different types of people who run different types of companies. And so what advice, after these experiences, what advice would you have to entrepreneurs who want to grow their business in today's environment?
Speaker 3:E-commerce is a great way to go. The more people I meet who in live networking a great way to go, the more people I meet who in live networking just in general people I'm seeing all over social media, especially Facebook. How can I make money from home? How can I make money from home? I want to be with my kids. I'm working 24-7. So having an e-commerce business is definitely something moving forward that everyone should have at some point.
Speaker 3:Secondly, if you're in a place where everything you're doing is having a conversation about how I can quit and how I can have a conversation with my boss and, like I have an idea. I just haven't implemented it because I'm just not sure, but I can't see myself staying in this for much longer and you're at your wits end, right Then I really, really encourage you to talk to someone who's done what you want to do. Just reach out to them, connect with them on LinkedIn, connect with them in general, make a phone call right and talk to someone who's done what you want to do. Start doing your research and see what that looks like. Also, I actually expanded my programs to speak to startup scaling and successful entrepreneurs, because every entrepreneur has a different, they're in a different space and they need a different toolkit. So I also expanded that. So if anyone wants to chat with me, I'll absolutely give you direction based on where you're at.
Speaker 2:Absolutely, and as somebody who has had a midlife crisis and talked to Bridget, I can attest to that being a very positive return on investment and something that I can personally attest to. So you had mentioned, at the front end of our conversation, a gift for our listeners. What is that gift?
Speaker 3:It's an e-guide called the powerful prospecting guidecom and it gives you those strategies to go out there and prospect ABP always be prospecting, because the number one problem I find for most entrepreneurs is that they've got the systems in place, they have everything set. Now they have to go out and actually have conversations with people. Content creates curiosity, conversations create clients. So I created this guide specifically for entrepreneurs startup to scaling that will help you have strategies to do just that.
Speaker 2:I love it. I love it and we will post notes to, or we will post a link to that in the show notes. So, bridget, this has been an outstanding conversation today. Anything else we want to touch on before we get into the fire round?
Speaker 3:I'm really excited. I'm currently writing two books right now. Do you want me to share that with you?
Speaker 2:Yes, absolutely so. I'm seeing which one will come out first, but I'm currently writing two books right now.
Speaker 3:Do you want me to share that with you? Yes, absolutely. So I'm seeing which one will come out first, but I'm doing one called God is my employer doing business in God's economy? And the second one is going to be called impact leadership leading a company, leading a culture, leading in your life. So I'm very excited. If anyone has anything like hey, I want this one out first, Let me know, I am open, I want to hear from you.
Speaker 2:I will vote that. I'd like the, the uh, faith-based one on running a business, and boy does. I think there's a lot of overlap, but there's very. There's business books, there's faith-based books, but there's not many that bridge that gap, at least none that I've read, and I think this is just my personal opinion. Having a strong we talked about having like a foundation of fear, Having a foundation of faith, I can personally attest to you has been something that has had remarkable results in my life, and so that's my vote, but I think both are going to be outstanding. It's Stuck on. Ready was a really, really good book.
Speaker 3:You're a very talented and hardworking author, and so any, any potential date on when those would be ready to finish the books by the end of summer 2025, or one of them, one of the books.
Speaker 2:Outstanding so.
Speaker 3:December 20, 2025. I'll let you know. You'll be the first to know, David.
Speaker 2:Well, we're going to have you back on the show for a launch, a good launch, and it'd be fun to dive into either of those topics. I always enjoy chatting with you and, yeah, best of luck as you take those and write them and looking forward to seeing those come out. So, before we wrap up the show, let's get into the fire round. So what is your current favorite book?
Speaker 3:Hookpoint I was yeah, I was actually looking as an entrepreneur. You always need to be looking for new ways to brand yourself and market yourself and when you're teaching those two things when I am it's easy to get like, it's easy to get dull in those areas of like, wow, I just need some more inspiration. Hookpoint phenomenal book and they have a QR code on every page. So if you hate being sold to, just don't pick up the book. Um, but I, I really, really appreciated it and it really helps you to level up your brandable language in if you're doing sales webinars or marketing campaigns et cetera. So hook point really cool book.
Speaker 2:I'm going to add that to my reading list. Uh, what do you think the biggest difference between uh, the biggest difference between new entrepreneurs today versus when you started?
Speaker 3:I think many entrepreneurs are very familiar with e-commerce. I would say that most of the entrepreneurs right now it's been an explosion since 2020 of entrepreneurs and I would say, at this point in time in the season of business, the ones who were struggling or kind of just experimenting with e-commerce have fallen off and now we have this whole new group of successful scaling business owners in the e-commerce realm who are doing networking, who know what they offer, who know who they want to work with, and so there's a lot more seasoned e-commerce business owners that I'm seeing and coming into contact with, which is wonderful.
Speaker 2:Outstanding. That's a vote of confidence. I've definitely put all my cards into that basket, so good to hear. Final question what are the key traits that continue to set apart successful entrepreneurs from those who give up, fail or never get started?
Speaker 3:I would say the one thing that sets those entrepreneurs apart that actually make it successfully in entrepreneurship is that they made a decision. Failure was not an option.
Speaker 2:I love it.
Speaker 3:It just built upon that Every single day, every single moment. If they had a negative thought, a negative emotion, they instantly addressed it and said this is a lie and I'm going to keep moving forward. So perseverance, overcoming anything, any obstacle, seeing the opportunities everywhere and knowing who, not how, is probably your next opportunity. So they always. There were relationships and that's what led to revenue.
Speaker 2:Outstanding, outstanding. That's a very, very good answer, bridget. If people are interested in getting in touch with you or working through your various coaching programs, what's the best way?
Speaker 3:You can contact me, send me a proposal on LinkedIn, or you can just contact me at BridgetHumme Outstanding.
Speaker 2:And we'll post links to all of that in the show notes. Bridget, I want to thank you for being a guest on the Firing your man podcast, looking forward to staying in touch.
Speaker 3:Likewise, David.