Woman's Place Podcast
Woman's Place is Wherever She Wants to Be! Women's history in bite-sized pieces! Tune in to learn more about how the role of women has evolved over time, how women gained the rights we have today, and to find inspiration to push forward for equality!
Podcasting since 2020 • 6 episodes
Woman's Place Podcast
Latest Episodes
Women's Abolitionist and Anti-Slavery Organizations
This week, we continue our discussion of women who united in support of different causes to garner influence and effect change with an exploration of women's abolitionist organizations and the origins of the women's movement in America. This ep...
Season 2
Episode 2
Ladies' Aid, Benevolent, Relief, and Missionary Societies of the Nineteenth Century
This season, we’ll be delving into the organizations that have served women throughout the fight for equality and equal rights. We’ll also discuss the organizations that serve us today in efforts to pass the Equal Rights Amendment and other nat...
Season 2
Episode 1
The Women's Suffrage Movement and Effecting Change Today - With Bill Shireman, Author of In This Together
All over the country, people are looking to implement social change. The two best ways to learn to do so effectively are to look at the past to see what worked and what didn't and to consult experts in the area you're looking to improve. In thi...
Season 1
Episode 3
What is the History of Woman's Place? A Quick Survey of the Role of Women over Time
In this week’s episode, we take a brief journey throughout time and the western world to understand the role of women and the evolution of woman’s place. From ancient Sparta to Medieval England, from Victorian times to WWII, the idea of what a ...
Season 1
Episode 2
Thoughts on the Education of Daughters - Female Education from Medieval Times to Now
In this episode, join me, Meredith Busch, for a journey through the history of female education. From Christine de Pizan to Mary Wollstonecraft, from Anne of Green Gable to Catherine II, we'll discuss what's been done for women, how the feminiz...
Season 1
Episode 1