Device Nation Podcast
Device Nation brings you ideas, stories and interviews from the frontlines of orthopedic device sales to encourage and inspire!
Device Nation Podcast
Consultant Surgeon Conversation with Mr. Derek McMinn and Mr. Ronan Treacey!
Device Nation travels across the pond for a cuppa and a sit down with Consultant Surgeons Derek McMinn and Ronan Treacey! Pioneers in the hip resurfacing procedure, we talk about the BHR, MOM, NIH, Purple Cows and Polymotion! So much respect for these bright as a button blokes, their passion and belief in this procedure (in spite of significant headwinds) will inspire you!!
You will learn:
-Why "Mister" instead of "Doctor"
-Does volume matter as an NIH surgeon
-What role do reps play in the UK
-The pitfalls and pearls of MOM
-The development of their solution...the BHR
-The newest flavor: Polymotion
.....and so much more!!
Mr. Derek Mcminn: https://www.mcminncentre.co.uk/derek-mcminn.html
Mr. Ronan Treacey: https://www.ronantreacy.co.uk/
Birmingham Hip Resurfacing: http://www.losmdfw.com/bhr/implant.htm
Polymotion: https://www.jointmedica.com/thepolymotionhr
Mentorship and Sponsorship:
How are they connected? Are we "Sponsor Worthy?"