JK! Games!
Introducing JK! Games!, a gaming and nerd-centric podcast where cohosts Kayla and Jerica give it to you: gaming news, debates on video game culture and technology, and most importantly, their passion for gaming across all platforms. Get social with JK Games! on Facebook. @JKGamesPodcast on Twitter & Instagram, @JKGamescast on Twitch. Tell us what games you want us to play and talk about (!!!): JKGamesPodcast@gmail.com.
Podcasting since 2019 • 158 episodes
JK! Games!
Latest Episodes
Current State of Live Service Games w/@HighscoreWeekly - JK! Games! Episode 163
This week Jerica is joined by Josh aka @HighscoreWeekly to discuss latest games they've been playing like #wanderstop and #monsterhunterwilds Normal mode and Expert mode is sorta blended into the same topic but you should enjo...

Let's Talk Episodic Video Games & Lost Records: Boom and Rage - JK! Games! Episode 162
We played more of #lostrecordsbloomandrage and are excited to share more thoughts. We haven't finished yet but so we will keep story spoilers very light. We are going to talk about #episodicgames this episode. What makes them great and what mak...

February Video Game Round Up! - JK! Games! Episode 161
This week we talk about those new video games that came out this month and beyond. We also dive into the #stateofplay and is #playstation in a healthy place? Yes, we played #avowed maybe we talk about it?00:00:00 Start0...

Backlog Of Doom Revisited - JK! Games! Episode 160
Jerica and Kayla are once again revisiting their unholy Backlogs of Doom. Our Backlogs of Doom include any games we've started playing and for some reason just quit playing. Are there any we are going to add or remove from our lists?! Tune in t...