JK! Games!
Introducing JK! Games!, a gaming and nerd-centric podcast where cohosts Kayla and Jerica give it to you: gaming news, debates on video game culture and technology, and most importantly, their passion for gaming across all platforms. Get social with JK Games! on Facebook. @JKGamesPodcast on Twitter & Instagram, @JKGamescast on Twitch. Tell us what games you want us to play and talk about (!!!): JKGamesPodcast@gmail.com.
JK! Games!
Backlog Of Doom Revisited - JK! Games! Episode 160
Jerica and Kayla are once again revisiting their unholy Backlogs of Doom. Our Backlogs of Doom include any games we've started playing and for some reason just quit playing. Are there any we are going to add or remove from our lists?! Tune in to find out!
00:00:00 Start
00:01:00 Animal sounds
00:04:25 DIDO
00:08:00 Jerica KFGD
00:15:25 ClickerBait
00:17:30 Easy Mode
00:32:30 Normal Mode
00:44:40 Expert Mode Backlog of Doom
Follow us @JKGamesPodcast on Twitter and Instagram. You can even watch us on YouTube! Also, we wouldn't be content creators without a TikTok. Let us know what you think of the show and share ideas on what content you would like to see next! Also email us at jkgamespodcast@gmail.com for questions, comments, or corrections! You all are are amazing and thanks for listening!