JK! Games!
Introducing JK! Games!, a gaming and nerd-centric podcast where cohosts Kayla and Jerica give it to you: gaming news, debates on video game culture and technology, and most importantly, their passion for gaming across all platforms. Get social with JK Games! on Facebook. @JKGamesPodcast on Twitter & Instagram, @JKGamescast on Twitch. Tell us what games you want us to play and talk about (!!!): JKGamesPodcast@gmail.com.
JK! Games!
Let's Talk Episodic Video Games & Lost Records: Boom and Rage - JK! Games! Episode 162
We played more of #lostrecordsbloomandrage and are excited to share more thoughts. We haven't finished yet but so we will keep story spoilers very light. We are going to talk about #episodicgames this episode. What makes them great and what makes them not great? We asked you what your favorites are and guess what? We share that too.
00:00:00 Start
00:12:40 Easy Mode - What have we been playing?
00:20:15 Normal Mode - News topics we care about.
00:32:13 Expert Mode - Lost Records Boom and Rage no major story spoilers!
Follow us @JKGamesPodcast on Twitter and Instagram. You can even watch us on YouTube! Also, we wouldn't be content creators without a TikTok. Let us know what you think of the show and share ideas on what content you would like to see next! Also email us at jkgamespodcast@gmail.com for questions, comments, or corrections! You all are are amazing and thanks for listening!