Deep Dive with Region Five
Sharing community and economic development information and program updates for Region 5 in Central Minnesota.
Deep Dive with Region Five
Transportation Advisory Council
R5DC Staff
Season 1
Episode 7
We share details about the Transportation Advisory Council in Central MN. Guests include Steve Voss, MN Department of Transportation; Tim Bray, Crow Wing County; Chuck Parins, Morrison County Public Works and R5DC Township Representative for Morrison County; Tad Erickson, R5DC Senior Regional Planner.
Learn more at regionfive.org.
For more information about MnDOT, listeners can go to MnDOT’s website at MnDOT.gov. From this website, you can access the MnDOT District 3 website by going to the left side of the opening page, finding the statewide map, and clicking on the “Central MN” area. You can also reach Steve Voss directly by phone at (218) 828-5779 or by e-mail at steve.voss@state.mn.us.