Inside Medical Malpractice
Inside Medical Malpractice
Medication Errors and Malpractice Cases. A Conversation with Lawyer Paul Cahill
This episode of ‘Inside Medical Malpractice’ is the second in a five-part series exploring top issues in medical malpractice: Assessment, Medication Errors, Communication, Infection Control and Unsafe Use of Equipment. Repeat guest Paul Cahill tackles the tough subject of Medication Errors, which are so pervasive they make up 3 of the 15 “Never Events’ in healthcare. There are 10 ‘rights’ to medication administration which are considered basic knowledge for all healthcare providers. If followed correctly, these ‘rights’ are meant to prevent errors. But listen in as Paul presents several cases from his own practice that involve nurses, doctors and pharmacists giving the wrong drug, or the wrong dose, at the wrong time, without any follow up. This episode offers solid advice to healthcare providers and the public on how to avoid medication errors, and Paul offers his own advice to lawyers who litigate these cases. Once again, the big take-away? Never, ever get complacent.