Morrisville Presbyterian Church Podcast
Welcome to Morrisville Presbyterian Church. No matter who you are or where you are on your journey of Faith, you are invited to MPC. Education Hour: 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. (September - May) Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Fellowship Hour: 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Childcare Provided: 9:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. (September - May) 10:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. (June - August) Morrisville Presbyterian Church 771 N Pennsylvania Ave Morrisville, Pennsylvania 19067 (215) 295-4191 https://www.mpcusa.org https://www.facebook.com/morrisvillepres/ https://www.instagram.com/morrisvillepresbyterian/
273 episodes
3/9/25 Worship Service - "Does Anyone Remember Seth?"
First Sunday in LentMarch 9, 2025Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: Psalm 51 and selections from Genesis 4 and Luke 3Sermon: Does Anyone Remember Seth? given by Rev. Dr. Tom Kort...

3/2/25 Worship Service - Musical Offering & Meditation from Thule Size
Transfiguration of the LordMarch 2, 2025Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: Psalm 96 and Acts 2:1-13Meditation & Musical Offering: In This World by Thula Size

2/23/25 Worship Service - "Living Like a Lion"
Seventh Sunday after EpiphanyFebruary 23, 2025Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: selections from Ephesians 5:1-2 and Ecclesiates 9:4Sermon: Living Like a Lion given by Rev. Dr. Tom Kort

2/16/25 Worship Service - "Harps Hanging in the Tree"
Sixth Sunday after EpiphanyFebruary 16, 2025Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: selections from Psalm 137:1-4 and Psalm 139:1-3, 7-10Sermon: Harps Hanging in the Tree given by Rev. Dr. Tom...

2/9/25 - Youth Sunday
Fifth Sunday after EpiphanyFebruary 9, 2025Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: selections from John 1:43-51 and Psalm 139:7-18Youth Sunday Sermons

2/2/25 Worship Service - "Bragging Rights"
Fourth Sunday after EpiphanyFebruary 2, 2025Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: selections from Psalm 34:1-3 and Jeremiah 9:23-24Sermon: Bragging Rights given by Rev. Dr. Tom Kort<...

1/26/25 Worship Service - "Upside Down"
Third Sunday after EpiphanyJanuary 26, 2025Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: selections from Psalm 19 and Luke 4:14-21Sermon: Upside Down given by Rev. Alex Lester-Abdalla

1/19/25 Worship Service - "Riding the Buckboard of Life"
Second Sunday after EpiphanyJanuary 19, 2025Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: selections from Psalm 121 and 1 Timothy 4:11-16Sermon: Riding the Buckboard of Life given by Rev. Dr. Tom Ko...

1/12/25 Worship Service - "Lost in Church"
First Sunday after EpiphanyJanuary 12, 2025Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: selections from Psalm 122 and Luke 2:41-52Meditation: Lost in Church given by Rev. Dr. Tom Kort<...

1/5/25 Worship Service - "Another Chance"
Second Sunday of ChristmasJanuary 5, 2025Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: Psalm 105 and selections from Psalm 106 & 1 Corinthians 1:9Meditation: Another Chance given by Rev...

12/29/24 Worship Service - A Time for Gratitude
First Sunday of ChristmasDecember 29, 2024Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: Psalm 148 and Colossians 3:12-17A Time for Gratitude led by Rev. Alex Lester-Abdalla

12/24/24 - Christmas Eve Worship Service - "Christmas Grits and Grace"
Christmas EveDecember 24, 2024Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: Isaiah 7:14, Luke 2:1-20Meditation: Christmas Grits and Grace given by Rev. Dr. Tom Kort

12/22/24 Worship Service - "Are You Traveling This Christmas?"
Fourth Sunday of AdventDecember 22, 2024Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: Isaiah 11:1-2 and Luke 2:15-16Meditation: Are You Traveling This Christmas? given by Rev. Dr. Tom Kort

12/15/24 Worship Service - "Clarence and Other Angels"
Third Sunday of AdventDecember 15, 2024Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: Isaiah 7:14 and Luke 2:8-14Meditation: Clarence and Other Angels given by Rev. Dr. Tom Kort

12/8/24 Worship Service - "A Griswold Family Christmas"
Second Sunday of AdventDecember 8, 2024Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: Micah 5:2 and Luke 2:1-5Meditation: A Griswold Family Christmas given by Rev. Dr. Tom Kort

12/1/24 Worship Service - "What's in Your Wallet?"
First Sunday of AdventDecember 1, 2024Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: Psalm 80:1-3, John 1:12-13, and 2 Corinthians 9:15Meditation: What's in Your Wallet? given by Rev. Dr. Tom K...

11/24/24 Worship Service - "Any Winter Plans?"
Christ the King SundayNovember 24, 2024Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: Psalm 103:1-4 and selections from 2 Timothy 4Sermon: Any Winter Plans? given by Rev. Dr. Tom Kort

11/17/24 Worship Service - The Word in Music
Twenty-Sixth Sunday after PentecostWord-in-Music SundayNovember 17, 2024Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: Psalm 108:1-5; 1 Corinthians 14:15; Colossians 3:16-17; John 1:1-5

11/10/24 Worship Service - "Anointed!"
Twenty-Fifth Sunday after PentecostNovember 10, 2024Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: Psalm 19:1-4, 7-10 and Luke 4:18-19Sermon: Anointed! given by guest pastor Reverend Ruth Santa...

11/3/24 Worship Service - "The First Commandment"
Twenty-Fourth Sunday after PentecostAll Saints' DayAnniversary SundayNovember 3, 2024Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: Psalm 146 and Mark 12:28-34Sermon: The First Commandment

10/27/24 Worship Service - "When Jesus Stood Still"
Twenty-Third Sunday after PentecostOctober 27, 2024Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: Psalm 126 and Mark 10:46-52Sermon: When Jesus Stood Still given by guest pastor Reverend Dr. Be...

10/20/24 Worship Service - "Who and Whose You Are"
Twenty-Second Sunday after PentecostOctober 20, 2024Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: Job 38:1-7 and Mark 10:35-45Sermon: Who and Whose You Are given by guest pastor Reverend Megan...

10/13/24 Worship Service - "Holy Resistance"
Twenty-First Sunday after PentecostOctober 13, 2024Worship Service includes:Scripture Readings: Psalm 27:1-5 and Exodus 1:8-21Sermon: Holy Resistance given by guest pastor Reverend Dr. Shanno...