Jesus, Me, & Anxiety
Kassi Russell knows what it's like to walk with Jesus and still be tossed around by panic attacks and anxiety disorders at the same time. In a raw, no judgment zone, she discusses the ongoing journey of thriving in an anxiety-ridden world.
Jesus, Me, & Anxiety
#4 Jesus, Me, Anxiety & COVID19
Kassi Russell
It's just not possible to have a podcast about anxiety and not talk about what just might be the #1 anxiety trigger all over our world right now, COVID-19! But don't pass this one up because you're tired of hearing about all of the statistics, and you're scared this will only make your anxiety worse. I can almost assure you that you'll break a smile while listening to me talk about my 5 stages of coping with COVID-19 and the 5 ways I'm combatting my anxiety during this incredibly anxious time.