Running Book Reviews with Alan and Liz
All types of running related books are reviewed by two non-elite track, road and trail runners. Observation and description of running books intended to inform, help and inspire anyone involved or related to running at any level. Whenever possible we chat with the author about the book, but if not then we try to do it justice.
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125 episodes
The Ultimate Ultra Running Handbook, by Claire Maxted
In this episode we have a repeat guest, Claire Maxted, and she talks to us about her new book, The Ultimate Ultra Running Handbook.The Ultimate Ultra Running Handbook is not called “ultimate” for no reason. It goes...

The Frontrunner, by Brad Fawley
The Frontrunner is a fictional coming of age story about a boy named Russ who grows up without a mother, and loses his father to cancer when he's barely an adult. He grows up running everywhere, and later finds out that running can bri...

To The Limit, by Michael Crawley
To the Limit sets out to explore why we voluntarily do exhausting things, like running ultra distances in the mountains and climbing mount Everest, and rediscover the joy of moving together as a group – whether it's running the length ...

There Is No Finish, by Stephen Parker
In this episode, we have the pleasure of chatting with author Stephen Parker about his new book There Is No Finish; The Backyard Ultra Story. This book is all about the backyard ultra; how it started, who started it, and how it’s grown...

Alan and Liz's Running Chatter and Rundown on Books 91-100
Here we are again! ...and AGAIN it's been more than 10 books since the last recap episode! Here are the books we chat about in this episode:Run Through, by SB StoneThe Race To Be Myself, by Caster Sem...

The Ultimate Guide to Parkrun, by Lucy Waterlow
This book is everything you’d want to know about parkrun. How it started, what countries it spread to, how it benefits mental and physical health, and why participants keep coming back to both run and volunteer. The book has 9 chapters:

BONUS TRACK: Alan and Liz's Fall Marathon Recap
For those who wanted to hear about it, we decided to tell you about our most recent sub-3-hour marathon attempt in this bonus episode. For our listeners we explain what plan we were using and the history we have with following the same plan in ...

Built To Run, by Matthew Silver
Built to Run is a book to help runners improve form, mobility and strength so that they can run injury free more often… because we all know we’ll eventually get some kind of niggle, but the idea is that we’re not sidelined for months a...

Running Through the Dark, by Jen Scotney
Ultrarunner Jen Scotney has achieved podium finishes in some of the UK’s toughest races and now has her sights firmly set on the Pennine Way. In Running Through the Dark, Jen talks about her ambitions, not just to run the 268-mile Pennine Way b...

Running From Tragedy by Michael Salsbury
Running From Tragedy is Michael Salsbury’s family story and how running, in the end, helped lessen the burden of three life changing events. Michael met the love of his life when he decided to take a break from his career in the financ...

Good for a Girl, by Lauren Fleshman
Good For A Girl by Lauren Fleshman is the story of Lauren's life and experience in professional running. Running seemed straight forward when she was growing up, you work hard and you get the reward, but women don't have the same perfo...

Running Challenges, by Keri Wallace
Running Challenges, by Keri Wallace, is like a tour guide for Trail running in the UK. It features 100 of the best trail, fell and mountain runs in England, Scotland and Wales, and those three countries make up the three sections of th...

Trails and Tribulations, by Susie Chan
Trails and Tribulations is Susie Chan's memoire. She tells us a little about her life before running, including some pretty big life events, how she started running, and some of her very very long runs. A few of the races that Susie di...

How to Run the Perfect Race, by Matt Fitzgerald
How To Run The Perfect Race is a book all about pacing. The book is divided into two sections:Section 1: All about how to master pacingSection 2: RPE based training plans for your next 5k, 10k, half-marathon and marathon....

LOST: The Work That Goes Unseen, published by Ciele
In this episode of Running Book Reviews, we had the pleasure of chatting with Tim Rossi, founder of The Lost Boys running club in New York, about a book he helped bring to life in collaboration with Ciele and Maurten. We talk about the book, th...

Running Rewired 2nd Edition, by Jay Dicharry
If you're thinking that you've heard us talk about Running Rewired, it's because we read the original version which came out in 2017 and it was featured in one of the first episodes we did in 2020. Well the second edition is out now and we had ...

BONUS TRACK: Alan and Liz's Summer Training Plans
So we know it's a bonus episode and not our usual book dedicated episode, but we need more time to line up our guests and didn't want to leave our listeners without anything to listen to. We hope that we can earn your forgiveness with some of t...

Smart Running, by Jen and Sim Benson
Join us for this wonderful conversation with Jen and Sim about all things running! Their fantastic book, Smart Running, is packed with useful information about a diverse range of topics and we only covered a few of them in our ch...

Alan and Liz's Running Chatter and Rundown on the Last 10 Books
Here we are again! We can't believe we've read another 10 books already... and actually it's been more than 10 books... This might be a long episode (unless Alan did some aggressive editing) because when we start talking about books, we just ca...

The Examined Run, by Sabrina Little
We have a fantastic conversation with author Sabrina Little, about her new book, The Examined Run. In this chat we talk about ethics and role of virtues and vices in running. The Examined Run discusses the ethics of sp...

The Race To Be Myself, by Caster Semenya
The Race to Be Myself is a 4 part memoire where Caster talks about:The beginning: how she grew up, how she liked to hang out with boys and play sports, and what happened in puberty. The rise: How she got into ...

Run Through, by SB Stone
Running Through; my journey through moments of flight, is Steven’s journey into Running via a series of tiny moments of flight. This book is divided into short stories describing some of the moments in his personal running journey and ...

BONUS TRACK: Boston Marathon Experience
If you've been following our social media accounts (mainly FB and Instagram... we're not as good about posting to X or Threads...) then you'll have seen that Alan went to Boston this year. Before the Boston Marathon, we reviewed The Boston Mara...