Be Disciples Podcast
Discipleship Podcast - Dakota Smith, Kyle R. Morris and David Glavin walk through the Bible for the purpose of equipping their listeners to disciple others. To live as a disciple of Jesus Christ, all followers of Jesus are commanded to proclaim the gospel and teach people the word of God (Matt 28:18-20).
116 episodes
Understanding Worldview
In this episode of the Be Disciples podcast, Kyle Morris and Dakota Smith discuss worldviews and the unique opportunity they have to teach at Ottawa University. They delve into the importance of understanding world religions and how to engage i...
Season 4
Episode 123

Missions and the Local Church
In this episode of the Be Disciples podcast, Dakota Smith and Kyle Morris discuss Dakota's recent mission trip to Mexico with the i68 organization. They explore the importance of organizations in supporting local churches, the criteria for part...
Season 4
Episode 122

Who is Jesus?
In this episode of the Be Disciples podcast, hosts Kyle Morris and Dakota Smith reflect on the inauguration of Donald Trump and discuss the implications of his presidency on America. The conversation then shifts to the identity of Jesus, explor...
Season 4
Episode 121

Taking a Sabbath
In this episode of the Be Disciples podcast, hosts Kyle Morris and Dakota Smith discuss the importance of reflection as they enter 2025. They explore the concept of the Sabbath, its theological significance, and how it relates to spiritual disc...
Season 4
Episode 120

Acts: Paul's Third Missionary Journey
Join us on the Be Disciples Podcast! We continue our study in the book of Acts as we study chapter 19 and Paul's third missionary journey.
Season 3
Episode 119

What is a Worldview & Why it Matters? Interview w/ Robby Lashua
In this conversation, Kyle Morris and Dakota Smith interview Robby Lashua of Stand to Reason to discuss worldviews and how to discern them. They explore the logical, literal, and livable aspects of different belief systems, using Mormonism and ...
Episode 118

Acts: Paul in Ephesus
In this episode of the Be Disciples podcast, the hosts discuss the importance of recognizing the Jesus who came to save and the danger of overemphasizing the Jesus who is to come. They emphasize the need to remember our own testimony and share ...
Season 3
Episode 117

Acts: Bold and Humble
The Be Disciples Podcast continues in the book of Act but preludes the episode with some religious history dating back to the revolutionary war. The discussion is centered around the movement of the church in early America and how it has shaped...
Season 3
Episode 116

Acts: Ministry Partnership
Join us in episode 115 of the Be Disciples podcast as we journey through Acts chapter 18. Dive into Paul’s experiences in Corinth, focusing on the divine vision that emboldened him to speak without fear. Discover the intricate balance between b...
Season 3
Episode 115

Acts: Trusting in God's Guidance and Overcoming Fear
SummaryIn this episode, the hosts discuss the importance of spending time in the Word of God and being obedient to His calling. They highlight the example of Paul, who devoted himself completely to the Word and went where God led him. They ...
Season 3
Episode 114

Missions w/ Dr. Jim Baugh
In this episode, Kyle and Dakota interview Dr. Jim Baugh, a pastor and missionary serving in East Africa and the Caribbean. They discuss the importance of evangelism and discipleship in ministry and how Global Training Network is equipping past...
Season 3
Episode 113

Acts: Who is God?
In this episode, Kyle shares his recent trip to Mexico where he and his team built a home for a family. He highlights the efficiency of the home building process and the special experience of taking his son with him. The podcast hosts discuss t...
Season 3
Episode 112

Spurgeon on Prayer w/ Dr. Geoff Chang
Dr. Geoff Chang, who joins us from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary to discuss the dedicated pastoral work of the 'Prince of Preachers'. As we navigate through Dr. Chang's book "Spurgeon the Pastor," you will gain more insight on Charles...
Season 3
Episode 111

Acts: The Gospel is on the Move
We continue in the book of Acts as it serves to guide and lead us through the contrasting receptions of the Gospel spoken by Paul found in Thessalonica and Berea, and inviting us to consider the early Christian movement's enduring influence on ...
Season 3
Episode 110

Acts: Reaching the Next Generation
Join us in the Book of Acts as we unwrap the profound impact of Paul and Silas's imprisonment and the jailer's transformative conversion. Feel the warmth of fellowship and discover the potent truths hidden within biblical prophecies, from the b...

Acts: Unshackled Faith - Paul, Silas, and the Birth of the Church in Philippi
Imagine being bound in chains, confined to a dank, dark cell with no hope of escape. Now picture yourself singing praises to God in that same hopeless situation. That's exactly what Paul and Silas did, and we had a riveting discussion with Chan...
Season 3
Episode 108

Acts: The Gospel Message for All
Kyle Morris and Dakota Smith wrestle with the intricacies of scriptural authenticity versus societal perceptions, dissecting the theological tensions that arise when Jesus is co-opted for pop culture messaging. Striking a balance between ...
Season 3
Episode 107

Acts: Timothy Joins the Mission
Join us, your hosts Kyle Morris, Dakota Smith, and David Glavin, as we unveil the new visual dimension of the Be Disciples podcast. We're stepping into the world of video podcasting to bring the Word to you with greater impact, responding to th...
Season 3
Episode 106

Mexico Missions in Chiapas 2024
Embark with us on a transformative expedition to the heart of Chiapas, Mexico, where the road less traveled led us through a tapestry of spiritual encounters and cultural awakenings. Our recent mission trip found us weaving through bustling cit...
Season 3
Episode 105

A Christmas Special - Luke 1:26-38
As the Christmas season wraps its festive arms around us, our church family recently had a children’s Christmas program that truly embodied the reason for the season. The little ones, dressed as shepherds, took us back to the miraculous night o...
Season 3
Episode 104

Acts: The Paths of Paul and Barnabas
Would you believe me if I told you that disagreements and separations can lead to growth, especially in ministry? Brace yourselves as we revisit the complexities of the discord that occurred between Paul and Barnabas during their planning for t...
Season 3
Episode 103

Acts: Faith, Conflict, and Resolution
Join us through Acts 15, as we gather to break bread over the contentious issue of Gentile believers' need for circumcision. What if we told you that the unity between Jewish and Gentile believers could be bridged by moral guidelines? As w...
Season 3
Episode 102

Acts: The Jerusalem Council
In this episode, The Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 comes into focus. The crew discusses the issues prompting the council meeting and seeing the leaders of the early church adhere to the Scriptures. Join us as we continue our journey through Acts...
Season 3
Episode 101

100th Episode Special: Delving into the Essence of Christian Discipleship w/ C.L. Mitchell
Get ready to join us for a milestone celebration on the Be Disciples podcast - our big 100th episode! We have a special guest, C.L. Mitchell. Starting with the questions, "Can you be a Christian without being a disciple?" A question that's ofte...
Season 3
Episode 100

Acts: Examining the Teachings of Paul, Facing Trials and Understanding Contemporary Church Movements
Imagine facing relentless opposition, yet pressing on with courage and resilience to share the Gospel. This is the story of Acts 14, as Paul and Barnabas journey through trials, tribulations, and fierce resistance to spread the Word. We will ta...
Season 3
Episode 99