safefood Podcast
This is the safefood podcast where we look at food safety and nutrition on the Island of Ireland. We explore all areas of the food environment from the perspective of the general public, professionals, research and education.
safefood Podcast
Nutrition: Let's talk about Food Poverty
Episode 14
This is the safefood Nutrition podcast presented by Dr Aileen McGloin, safefood’s Director of Marketing and Communications, which looks at key issues like obesity, weight stigma, sustainability and health in the media. In this episode we talk to Kitty Holland, social affairs correspondent for The Irish Times, and Dr Megan Blake, senior lecturer at University of Sheffield, about food poverty. In this episode, Megan refers to the Twitter profiles Milly - @Milly_caspaces, Jack Monroe - @Bootstrapcook and Ewan Gurr - @EwanGurr. Kitty refers to the Ken Loach film, I David Blake.