Natural Eye Care with Dr. Marc Grossman, Holistic Optometrist
Leading Holistic Optometrist Dr. Marc R. Grossman, O.D., L.Ac. hosts the Natural Eye Care Podcast: approaches to vision problems, eye health, and overall health backed by research and his 40+ years of experience with patients. Most eye diseases strike seniors. Find out how lifestyle, diet, and nutrition can help maintain healthy vision and even improve eyesight. An Holistic Eye Doctor is dedicated to helping people with such conditions ranging from myopia and dry eyes to potentially vision-threatening diseases like macular degeneration and glaucoma. Dr. Grossman's podcasts cover a multi-disciplinary approach including nutrition, eye exercises, lifestyle changes, and Chinese Medicine. Dr. Grossman founded the Rye Learning Center in 1980, a multidisciplinary center for learning problems, in 1996 co-founded Integral Health Associates in New Paltz, New York, and in 1999 co-founded Natural Eye Care, Inc. His background includes degrees in Optometry, Biology, Physical Education and Learning Disabilities, coupled with yoga, bioenergetics, nutrition, Chinese medicine and acupuncture, the Alexander technique and Feldenkrais. He is co-author of half a dozen books on vision, including "Natural Eye Care: Your Guide to Health Vision and Healing" in 2019. Dr. Grossman takes an integrated approach to vision and its influence on the body, mind, and spirit. His lectures and private consultations are in high demand.
Podcasting since 2020 • 154 episodes
Natural Eye Care with Dr. Marc Grossman, Holistic Optometrist
Latest Episodes
From Heart Health to Brain Boost: The Mitochondria Connection
Dr. Marc Grossman reveals the vital role of mitochondria, the powerhouses of your cells, in maintaining overall health and preventing diseases.Discover how healthy mitochondria can mitigate non-communicable diseases like heart disease, d...
Season 5
Episode 23

What Makes Mushrooms a Health Powerhouse? Find Out Now!
In this episode, discover how mushrooms like Lion's Mane, Reishi, and Maitake can support eye health, brain function, and overall wellness.Mushrooms have been celebrated for their medicinal properties for centuries. Dr. Grossman delves i...
Season 5
Episode 22

How To Prevent Cold & Flu In Winter?
In this episode, Dr. Grossman shares invaluable insights on how to naturally prevent colds and flu, especially during the winter months when these illnesses are most prevalent.Discover how lifestyle choices, diet, and nutrition play a cr...
Season 5
Episode 21

Visual Detoxification
Visual Detox and Eye Health on the Natural Eye Care PodcastExplore the concept of visual detox with Dr. Marc Grossman, a leading holistic optometrist, on the Natural Eye Care Podcast. Learn how to purify your eyes from toxins...
Season 5
Episode 20

Foods That Seniors Need To Combat Eye Disease
Enhance Eye Health with Nutrition on the Natural Eye Care PodcastJoin Dr. Marc Grossman, a leading holistic optometrist, on the Natural Eye Care Podcast as he discusses the crucial role of nutrition in combating eye diseases, especia...
Season 5
Episode 19