Virtually Teachers
Virtually Teachers is a show which brings 5 teachers from different contexts together in a roundtable format to discuss big educational questions.
Podcasting since 2020 • 22 episodes
Virtually Teachers
Latest Episodes
Virtually Teachers Season 2 Episode 6: What does effective professional development for teachers look like?
0.00-0.45: Introduction0.45-44.25 discussion of effective CPDJonnie Grande blog referenced in the discussion: https://curricularpasts.wordpress.com/2023/03/05/12-this-week-in-history-you-cant-action-step-your-way-to-effective-te...

Virtually Teachers Season 2 Episode 5: Where does education policy go from here?
0.00-0.43: Introduction0.43-33.42: 1) What are the challenges that we see casting a shadow on the educational future?2) What would we like to recommend to the education policy-makers of 2024 and beyond?

Virtually Teachers Season 2 Epsiode 4: Why do we love teaching?
0.00-1.00: Introductions1.00-32.32: Why is teaching great? Why do we love it?32.32-35.31: Closing recommendations