Virtually Teachers
Virtually Teachers is a show which brings 5 teachers from different contexts together in a roundtable format to discuss big educational questions.
22 episodes
Virtually Teachers Season 2 Episode 6: What does effective professional development for teachers look like?
0.00-0.45: Introduction0.45-44.25 discussion of effective CPDJonnie Grande blog referenced in the discussion: https://curricularpasts.wordpress.com/2023/03/05/12-this-week-in-history-you-cant-action-step-your-way-to-effective-te...

Virtually Teachers Season 2 Episode 5: Where does education policy go from here?
0.00-0.43: Introduction0.43-33.42: 1) What are the challenges that we see casting a shadow on the educational future?2) What would we like to recommend to the education policy-makers of 2024 and beyond?

Virtually Teachers Season 2 Epsiode 4: Why do we love teaching?
0.00-1.00: Introductions1.00-32.32: Why is teaching great? Why do we love it?32.32-35.31: Closing recommendations

Virtually Teachers Season 2 Episode 3: Recruitment and retention
0.00-1.25: Introduction 1.25-12.19: How are we experiencing recruitment and retention issues on the ground?12.19-41.28: Why is our system not retaining experienced teachers? What needs to be done about this?Why is o...

Season 2 Episode 2: KS3 assessment
0.00-1.02: Introduction1.02-33.01: Assessment discussion33.01-36.36: Closing recommendations

Virtually Teachers Season 2 Episode 1: Are we educational techno-optimists or techno-pessimists?
0.00-2.39: Introduction to season 2!2.39-27.54: Are we educational techno-optimists or techno-pessimists? Why?27.54-43.54: Are there areas where technology offers particular potential when teaching history? 43.54-en...

Virtually Teachers episode 16: a conversation with Mike Hill
0.00-0.41: Introduction 0.41-24.26: introducing Mike and an exploration of his ideas on world building 24.26-43.44 : a discussion about the 'knowledge turn' 43.44-52.49: the tension between construction an...

Episode 15: Are GCSEs fit for purpose?
0.00-1.16: introduction1.16-22.23: What does assessment mean to us?22.23-53.50: Are GCSEs fit for purpose?53.50-end: Recommendations Chloe: https://www.itv.com/presscentre/ep1week13/britains-tiger-k...

Virtually Teachers episode 14: Remote learning
0.00-1.02: Introduction to the episode1.02-17.48: How have we helped our students to feel more connected in an online context? 17.48-31.24: What approaches have we found to be most succesful in overcoming the challenges of ...

Virtually Teachers episode 13: Festive reflections
0.00-01.07: Introduction to the episode01.07-5.53 : Jacob's reflection5.53-10.53: Simon's reflection10.53-18.13: Rachel's reflection18.13-21.09: David's reflectionFestive recommendationsRachel: Jo...

Virtually Teachers episode 12: Reflections on the term
0.00-0.45: Introduction0.45-25.39: Reflections and changes in our curricula/practice25.39-35.48: Practical tips for teachers 35.48-end: RecommendationsJacob: Fires of Fath by Eamon Duffy Chloe: ...

Virtually Teachers episode 11: Behaviour
0.00-1.03: Introduction1.03-30.21: What are the keys to great behaviour at a school level?30.21-43.23 : Tips for managing behaviour in the classroom43.23-50.54 : How have we adjusted our practice to meet the current mome...

Episode 10-The NQT year
0.00-0.55: Introduction0.55-48.01: Top tips for NQTsWeekly recommendations:Jacob: Baudolino by Umberto EcoChloe: Discounts for teachers. You can get 35% off an Emma Mattress!

Virtually Teachers episode 9-A recovery curriculum?
0.00-1.09: introduction1.10-21.12: what makes a good PSHE curriculum? 21.13-48.41: Do we need a recovery curriculum? What should it look like? Blogs and resources that Rachel referred to:

Episode 8: What makes a great school leader?
0.00-0.58: Introduction0.00-18.11: What makes a great school leader? 18.11-34.14: What are the leadership traps to avoid? 34.14-54.31: What makes good curriculum leadership?54.31-end: Lockdown suggestio...

Episode 7-How can we help to decolonise the curriculum?
0.00-1.20: introduction to the episode and to our guest Zaiba Patel1.20-20.39: What can individual teachers do to address racism? 20.40-42.38: How can we avoid destructive silences in our curricula? 42.39-1.01.17: What n...

Episode 6: What are the realisations that have shaped our teaching?
0.00-0.57: Introduction0.57-1.50: Introduction to this week's discussion1.50-12.36: Simon's reflection12.36-20.36: Rachel's reflection20.36-30.49: Jaco'b reflection30.49-36.30: David's reflection3...

Episode 5-What are the solutions to the workload and retention crisis?
0.00-0.50: Introduction0.50-22.00: What can individual teachers do to mitigate the workload issue and ensure that they don't burn out? 22.00-34.45: What are the systemic and cultural issues that drive excessive workload?

Episode 4-How far should the present shape the history that we teach?
0.00-0.54: Introduction to the episode0.54-13.48: Are there any events/people/topics that we think we will teach differently because of he pandemic?13.48-20.33: How do we navigate the tension between a curriculum with expanatory...

Episode 3: The 'knowledge turn' in education: positive reflections and concerns
0.00-0.46: Introduction to the podcast00.46-2.16: Introduction to this week's topic2.16-21.00: How has the increased emphasis on knowledge, cognitive science etc. improved our practice? 21.00-33.00: How has curricular th...