Virtually Teachers
Virtually Teachers
Virtually Teachers episode 14: Remote learning
0.00-1.02: Introduction to the episode
1.02-17.48: How have we helped our students to feel more connected in an online context?
17.48-31.24: What approaches have we found to be most succesful in overcoming the challenges of remote teaching?
This section draws on Doug Lemov's new book on remote teaching which can be published here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Teaching-Online-Classroom-Surviving-Thriving-ebook/dp/B08HGXDBT9/ref=sr_1_1?crid=AN8D96WBNRLQ&dchild=1&keywords=lemov+remote+learning&qid=1613418301&sprefix=lemov+remo%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-1
31.24-49-20: How can we make sure we are not doing 'busy work' for the sake of appearances and make our provision as lean and effective as possible?
This section draws on this excellent blog by Kat Howard: https://saysmiss.wordpress.com/2020/04/14/justification-for-busy-work/
49.20-end: Lockdown suggestions
Chloe: It's a Sin on Channel 4
Rachel: Yoga with Adriene
Simon: No Time Like the Future by Michael J Fox
Jacob: 1776 by David McCullough
1: Jacob Keet's videos (see our twitter account)
2: The Beautiful Risk of Education by Gert Biesta