Virtually Teachers

Episode 5-What are the solutions to the workload and retention crisis?

David Hibbert, Rachel Lewin, Chloe Bateman, Simon Davies, Jacob Keet

0.00-0.50: Introduction

0.50-22.00: What can individual teachers do to mitigate the workload issue and ensure that they don't burn out? 

22.00-34.45: What are the systemic and cultural issues that drive excessive workload?

34.45-45.42: What might be effective in tackling the workload issue at a school level? 

54.42-end: Lockdown recommendations

Chloe: Hollywood on Netflix

Rachel: Teacher Tapp (teacher polling app)

Simon: counterfactual novel Rhodham and The Last Dance (again)

Jacob: SPQR by Mary Beard 

David: Normal People on BBC Iplayer