Virtually Teachers
Virtually Teachers
Episode 4-How far should the present shape the history that we teach?
0.00-0.54: Introduction to the episode
0.54-13.48: Are there any events/people/topics that we think we will teach differently because of he pandemic?
13.48-20.33: How do we navigate the tension between a curriculum with expanatory power while not inserting our own perspectives in a problematic way?
20.33-40.00: The Big History Project
40.00-44.37: Lockdown suggestions
Chloe: #Curricularium remote CPD. Tweet at Will Bailey-Watson @mrwbw if you would like access!
Rachel: Killing Eve
Simon: Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marisha Pessl
Jacob: World Order by Henry Kissinger
David: Marnie Hughes-Warrington on History as Wonder
Lecture: https://londonhiesig.wordpress.com/events-3/
Book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/History-as-Wonder-Beginning-Historiography/dp/1138846228/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=history+as+wonder&qid=1589573339&sr=8-1
The music is played by our own Jacob Keet!