Virtually Teachers

Episode 6: What are the realisations that have shaped our teaching?

David Hibbert, Rachel Lewin, Chloe Bateman, Simon Davies, Jacob Keet

0.00-0.57: Introduction

0.57-1.50: Introduction to this week's discussion

1.50-12.36: Simon's reflection

12.36-20.36: Rachel's reflection

20.36-30.49: Jaco'b reflection

30.49-36.30: David's reflection

36.30-end: Lockdown suggestions:

Rachel: Hilary Mantel's The Mirror and the Light

Simon: The novel Rhodam and David Olusoga's Black and British 

Jacob: Britain BC (book about prehistoric Britain)  

David: Detectorists (TV show available on BBC Iplayer) 

The music is by our very own Jacob Keet!