The Bishop & The Rabbi
For over 25 years, Bishop Robert Stearns has been a leading voice in global interfaith dialogue, specifically as a trusted bridge builder between the Jewish and Christian communities. On that journey, he has had the privilege of cultivating friendships with some of the leading Rabbis and leaders around the globe. As a result of these many rich relationships, an outpouring comes forth uncovering profound truths of living a life set apart in holiness, to and from both Christian and Jewish perspectives. Like the roots versus the branches of a tree, one spring from the other in a beautiful complement of the whole. Join Bishop Stearns and guest Rabbis for a fascinating and unforgettable conversation on the new Podcast "The Bishop & The Rabbi", featuring a discussion on the Hebrew scriptures from Jewish and Christian viewpoints, current events in America and the Middle East, and the future of Jewish-Christian cooperation.
How do we deal with Change? | with Rabbi Joseph Potasnik

Keeping God's Boundaries | with Rabbi Clifford Kulwin

Creating Unity: The Art of Working Together | with Rabbi Michael Gutmacher

Concluding Passover | with Rabbi Erez Sherman

The True meaning of Purim Part 2 | with Rabbi Matthew Gewirtz

The True meaning of Purim | with Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff

Building God's Ark | with Rabbi David Fohrman

The Burden of Keeping Secrets | with Rabbi Avraham Bronstein

Leaving the old Culture behind | with Stephen Savitsky

The Real Reason for the Ten Plagues | with Rabbi Jonah Pesner

Trust versus Fear | with Rabbi Chaim Eisen

What does it mean to be a True Leader? | Rabbi Marc Schneier

Don't Lose Yourself in Success | with Rabbi Joshua Stanton

How Toxic is Jealousy? | with Rabbi Brian Strauss

The Dangers of Perfection | with Rabbi Laurence Bazer

Tragedies Becoming Opportunities | with Rabbi Joseph Schonberger

The Eternal & The Natural | with Reuben Ebrahimoff

Leaving a Legacy | with Rabbi Benzion Klatzko

Trying to Imitate God | with Rabbi Daniel & Rachel Kraus

Does the Bible Teach Pacifism? | with Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff

Inner Voices & Dumb Choices | with Rabbi Pesach Wolicki

Embracing the Land of Israel | with Rabbi Jason Herman

Unrepentant Patterns | with Sal Litvak