Rise and Align With Food

032: How to Beat Binge Urges

February 05, 2021 β€’ Reshanda β€’ Episode 32

If you're like many of my listeners, you may have felt completely out of control when it comes to urges to binge. 

And trust me, I get it.

I used to have cravings that felt like if I didn't satisfy them right NOW, I would die......THAT'S how intense they can be.

But what if I told you that as intense as the urge feels, you  STILL are the one in control?  

Well, that's what we'll dig into in today's episode. 

We'll talk about what an urge really is and 3 tools for beating the urge when it hits. 

Click the play button now to listen!  

And make sure and tag me @reshandayates on Instagram with your insights and wins.  I'd love to cheer you on!  

1:1 coaching to leverage your triggers to work FOR you instead of against you to stop binge eating and experience peach and freedom with food πŸ‘‡

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Did you enjoy the episode? DM me on instagram and let me know what you thought.