Rise and Align With Food

204: What to Do If You're At Your Highest Weight (Where You Never Thought You'd Be)


If you've wondered "how did I get to this weight?" in the past 6 to 12 months, then chances are you've tried to be more disciplined about the things you think you SHOULD be doing. 

Things like:

-trying to adhere better to your calories
-trying to be more disciplined about your exercise
-or diets like Keto, Low Carb, WW, etc.

And if these things haven't worked yet, you're not alone.

I've been there.

In today's episode I'm sharing the #1 pitfall that can trip women up when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off and what to do about it.

When you listen you'll discover:

-The mistake that you might have been making to lose weight and what to do instead.
-What women who have successfully broken free from binge eating do differently when it comes to behavior change
-4 Tips to make changes that LAST so you can lose the weight AND keep it off.

Click play now to listen

Mentioned in the episode:  Episode 200: How to Stop Constant Food Thoughts Instantly With One Powerful Tool

Did you enjoy the episode? DM me on instagram and let me know what you thought.