Rise and Align With Food

209: The Truth About Tracking for Weight Loss from a Female Body Builder


In this episode I had the immense pleasure of interviewing one of my mentors and coach, Lisa Carpenter.

Lisa is the author of Let's E.A.T! Break the Addictive Cycle of Dieting, Lose Weight and Make Peace with Food and Your Body...For Life

She’s a Master coach, WFBB coach, and successful multiple 6 figure entrepreneur. 

When you listen you’ll discover:

  • How to trust what you’re doing is working and stay on track to reach your goals 
  • What most do wrong when it comes to tracking and how to fix it to stay motivated 
  • How to stop letting the number on the scale dictate how you feel and your worth 

And so much more. 

You’ll want to take a LOT of notes on this one.  

Listen now

Connect with Lisa on Instagram at lisacarpenterinc

Or on her website at lisacarpenter.ca

Did you enjoy the episode? DM me on instagram and let me know what you thought.