Everything Except the Law - Presented by Answering Legal

Checking In With Experts From IWIL And Lawyers Concerned For Lawyers

Answering Legal Season 5 Episode 59

Episode 59 of the "Everything Except The Law" podcast has arrived! This time we're speaking with Joan Bibelhausen from Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers (LCL) and Robin Wolpert and Tara Antonipillai from the Institute For Well-Being In Law (IWIL).

In this episode, Joan, Robin, Tara and host Taryn Winter Brill discuss what the legal community has learned about well-being over the past few years, how working remotely can impact lawyer wellness, creating conditions for lawyers to do their best work and much more!

About our guests:

Joan Bibelhausen has served as Executive Director of Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers since 2005. She is an attorney and received her JD from the University of Minnesota Law School. Joan is nationally recognized for her work in the lawyer assistance and diversity and inclusion realms and has significant additional training in counseling, mental health and addiction, diversity, employment issues, and management.

Learn more about Lawyers Concerned For Lawyers here: https://mnlcl.org/

Robin Wolpert is an appellate practitioner, business litigator, and white-collar criminal defense attorney at Sapientia Law Group in Minneapolis. Her 20-year career began in BigLaw, and she went on to serve as a prosecutor and Senior Counsel of Compliance & Business Conduct at 3M. Robin handles a diverse mix of criminal and civil lawsuits and appeals, focusing on constitutional law, defamation, business fraud, money laundering, and cyber-harassment and misinformation campaigns. 

Tara Antonipillai is a well-being consultant, speaker, teacher, and author. Tara combines her unique expertise as a practicing attorney and a positive psychology practitioner to help professionals, teams, and organizations thrive. Tara also helps law firms and other organizations develop and expand workplace well-being programs in a wide variety of formats.

Learn more about IWIL here: https://lawyerwellbeing.net/

Explore the ABA's directory of lawyer assistance programs here: https://tinyurl.com/2ycxhxuy

Check out Joan's article describing the work of lawyer's assistance programs here: https://tinyurl.com/wjsf5fed

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Learn more about the show here: http://ow.ly/Eni250LekLg

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This podcast is produced and edited by Joe Galotti. You can reach Joe via email at joe@answeringlegal.com.