MAMA, UNLEASHED! - Thrive in Motherhood
MAMA, UNLEASHED! - Thrive in Motherhood
#15 The 50 Shades of Motherhood spectrum – every mother sits on it, but did you know you can shift?
My special presentation from The Healthy Mums Healthy Families Summit in February 2021.
See for more information, tips and this episode's show notes.
This episode of Tough Mothers TV is about as action-packed as motherhood.
All mothers will benefit from this episode!
Because it:
- Teaches you about matrescence, the transition into motherhood – how it changes mothers’ brains and how you can use this transformation to truly thrive in motherhood.
- Explains the 50 Shades of Motherhood spectrum – a spectrum ALL mothers sit on - and teaches you strategies for how you can manoeuvre your way around the shades to initiate your happiness in motherhood.
- Gives your strategies to start training your own brain to thrive in motherhood. Truly thrive in motherhood!
There is also a FREE E-Book for you to download to start training your brain to be happier in motherhood at
- Gives you a mother moment time-out: a FREE powerful, yet brief motherhood meditation that will positively affect your brain and mind.
For more information, tips and this episode's show notes go to
Thanks so much for listening and for your interest in becoming a happier mother.
Be sure to subscribe to MAMA, UNLEASHED! on your favourite podcast channel, and follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more information and tips @DrJenHackerPearson