Pure Light 1111. Soul Aligned Living - by Allera Dawn
This is a podcast for conscious women on their soul journey of awakening. The change makers, box burning pioneers & visionaries. We will be going deep in all areas of spirituality, business, healing, wealth, abundance and legacy!
For those who like to fly high & expand their consciousness but quite like keeping their feet on the ground
& enjoying this Earthly ride
at the same time!
My name is Allera Dawn, the Founder of Pure Light 1111.
I am a Modern day High Priestess. Spiritual Life & Business Coach. Soul Visionary, Multi-dimensional Channel and Healer. Maker of Magic, Lover of Freedom
Won't Fit In Any Box Society Has Laid Out For Her!
Let's Connect:
Website: www.alleradawn.com
IG: @iamalleradawn
Linked in: Allera Dawn
Podcasting since 2020 • 101 episodes
Pure Light 1111. Soul Aligned Living - by Allera Dawn
Latest Episodes
Episode 101: Twin Flame Breakthrough...Next threshold choice point on 29th Jan will leap to a new beginning.
Hey Gorgeous souls,So after the powerful and life changing planetary procession on the 25th Jan. We are now being called to a choice point...Will we choose to remember our innate connection to GOD!Will those operating in t...

Episode 100: Twin Flames January 2025- Coded for re-unification
#twinflames #starseeds #ascensionprocess
Episode 100

Episode 99: How men harvest your womb energy (Plus why to get a Energetic Divorce)!
Hey Gorgeous Souls,As we start to understand that all connections are both physical/human and energetic.We are shown that our energy can literally light a fire under someone else's manifestations and leave ours lifeless!...

Episode 98- The Celestial Event Of This Lifetime...How To Prepare for 25th Jan 25!
Hey Gorgeous Souls,On 25th Jan 25 we have an event which will create a celestial procession in the skies. Venus-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune-Uranus & The Moon will all align.As above, so below.This last ...

Episode 97: Part 3: What to expect when your going through a spiritual awakening - Increased psychic activity & active dream states
Hey Gorgeous Souls,Part of the awakening process is the veil between your 3D consciousness and 4D-5D-6D becomes thin and you will start to have a stream of energy-memories-information streaming from your own higher consciousness.
Episode 97