Pure Light 1111. Soul Aligned Living - by Allera Dawn
This is a podcast for conscious women on their soul journey of awakening. The change makers, box burning pioneers & visionaries. We will be going deep in all areas of spirituality, business, healing, wealth, abundance and legacy!
For those who like to fly high & expand their consciousness but quite like keeping their feet on the ground
& enjoying this Earthly ride
at the same time!
My name is Allera Dawn, the Founder of Pure Light 1111.
I am a Modern day High Priestess. Spiritual Life & Business Coach. Soul Visionary, Multi-dimensional Channel and Healer. Maker of Magic, Lover of Freedom
Won't Fit In Any Box Society Has Laid Out For Her!
Let's Connect:
Website: www.alleradawn.com
IG: @iamalleradawn
Linked in: Allera Dawn
101 episodes
Episode 101: Twin Flame Breakthrough...Next threshold choice point on 29th Jan will leap to a new beginning.
Hey Gorgeous souls,So after the powerful and life changing planetary procession on the 25th Jan. We are now being called to a choice point...Will we choose to remember our innate connection to GOD!Will those operating in t...

Episode 100: Twin Flames January 2025- Coded for re-unification
#twinflames #starseeds #ascensionprocess
Episode 100

Episode 99: How men harvest your womb energy (Plus why to get a Energetic Divorce)!
Hey Gorgeous Souls,As we start to understand that all connections are both physical/human and energetic.We are shown that our energy can literally light a fire under someone else's manifestations and leave ours lifeless!...

Episode 98- The Celestial Event Of This Lifetime...How To Prepare for 25th Jan 25!
Hey Gorgeous Souls,On 25th Jan 25 we have an event which will create a celestial procession in the skies. Venus-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune-Uranus & The Moon will all align.As above, so below.This last ...

Episode 97: Part 3: What to expect when your going through a spiritual awakening - Increased psychic activity & active dream states
Hey Gorgeous Souls,Part of the awakening process is the veil between your 3D consciousness and 4D-5D-6D becomes thin and you will start to have a stream of energy-memories-information streaming from your own higher consciousness.
Episode 97

Episode 96: Part 2: What to expect when your going through a spiritual awakening - Energy highs & lows
Hey Gorgeous Souls,Are you feeling ascension symptoms?Strong foundations are a life changer! This means incorporating physical wellness, detox protocols and energy hygiene...So you can shift density and anchor the high fre...
Episode 96

Episode 95: Part 1: What to expect when your going through a spiritual awakening - Picking up on others energies & thought forms
Hey Gorgeous Souls,Through my own legacy body of work...I am teaching and sharing both the physical and spiritual initiations I have been on for decades. So that you can create your own strong foundations as you walk the path of t...
Episode 95

Episode 94: The Soul Architect Series™ Spiritual Awakening-Healing & Transformation Program
Hey Gorgeous Souls,I am excited to be back. Many upgrades, re-births and an anchoring of the next stage of my own legacy mission. The coming years will be monumental in the evolution of humanity on so many levels.
Episode 94

Episode 93: Unplugging to get reconnected to my true authentic self (Quick pattern disrupt)
Hey Gorgeous Souls,Unplugging from social media, the AI hive mind & understanding a new level of clarity around consciousness!Tech addiction and sovereign consciousness!Recognising our patterns and how a pattern disr...

Episode 92: The 2 most important questions to ask yourself right now- What is my soul purpose & why am I here on Earth at this time?
Hey Gorgeous Souls,I have an exciting opportunity...We will be walking the threshold of self discovery in an empowered way!Understanding the blocks to clear vision & bringing in the spiritual guidance support you nee...
Episode 92

Episode 91: Have you ever wished you had a superpower which allowed you to access the truth and just cut through all the noise and distraction in your life, online and in your business?
Hey Gorgeous Souls,I have an exciting opportunity...Join us for an exclusive online experience on Weds 6th Nov at 7pm UK time.This week we enter a new life changing passage way of collective change! This will direc...

Episode 90: Congratulations 🎉 You have graduated level 1 Spiritual Awakening…Now you are on the Ascension pathway
Hey Gorgeous Souls,Welcome to the new re-birthed podcast!I am excited to walk this journey with you!This episode is going to activate, awaken and illuminate so much for all who listen.We open with heart coherence...
Episode 90

Episode 89: 9th D Arcturian High Council- Creating miracles with your soul tribe & activation to reconnect with them
Hey Gorgeous Souls,I am sharing a powerful transmission from the 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council.I was curious about the huge impact of the collective lightworkers coming together to shift the effects of the recent hurricane!<...

Episode 88: Pure Light 1111- Equinox Transmission
Hey Gorgeous Souls,An Equinox transmission...Enjoy!It's time to up the game!We all have a choice and ability to align and entrain to a higher frequency throughout our day.To begin to question our thoughts and bel...

Episode 87: Pure Light 1111- Luminary Leader Soul Activation
Hey Gorgeous Souls,As we all enter another wave of awakening post the Lions gate portal. Aligned Luminary Leaders are needed more than ever. Your wisdom, codes, light & unique expression is needed right n...
Season 2
Episode 87

Episode 86: Are you in a healing loop? How to have your breakthrough!
Hey Gorgeous Souls,We are back with a new season!We have entered a new wave of awakening! Riding new waves! Which means a greater call to serve, to support humanity in their transformation from 3D to 5D & above...
Season 2

Episode 85: The identity shifts during our consciousness expansion path
Hey Gorgeous Souls,Can you feel the collective shifts over the past couple of months!This has meant many are in self reflection & re-birth stages of their evolution.Hold the bigger vision created in your heart and le...

Episode 84: Spiritual intervention, surrender to source, soul & asking to help before the big Eclipse
Hey Gorgeous soul,As we enter the Easter gateway & huge Eclipse remember the opportunity for re-birth.As I took a walk today I was guided to share a spiritual intervention which occurred in 2016 over the Easter weekend in Gl...
Episode 84

Episode 83: Guest Gina Kunadian- Alcohol free sobriety coach & podcast host
Hi Everyone,I am excited for Gina Kunadian to join me on the podcast this week.Get ready for a powerful story from the get go! Many twists and turns, rock bottoms, to awakening to a higher power, choosing to live & fin...
Episode 83

Episode 82: Guest Hannah Appleby- Trust, Surrender & free-birthing alone on a mountain
Hey Gorgeous soul,I am so excited to share a new guest podcast episode with Guest Hannah Appleby, Mother, musician & alternative educator.As we enter the re-birth into spring. It offers a collective re-birth into a new...
Episode 82

Episode 81: Guest Geeta Sidhu Robb- Coach, mentor and the CEO of Nosh Detox & Founder of W-corp
Hey Gorgeous soul,I am so excited to share a new guest podcast episode with Guest Geeta Sidhu Robb- Coach, mentor and the CEO of Nosh Detox & Founder of W-corp.Go follow Geeta on IG. She is blazing a new pathway ...
Episode 81

Episode 80: Guest Emily Ghosh Harris - 2024 Supporting new starseeds entering this earth plane
Hey Gorgeous soul,I am so excited to share the first guest episode of 2024 with Emily Ghosh Harris.It's beginning of a new year, new cycle and really huge re-birth collectively. Which brings us to this special top...

Episode 79: Total Wellness: Nervous system dis-regulation, interoception, mitochondria & tech
Hey Gorgeous soul,This insightful share is food for thought.Grab a pen and paper and get curious. You can barely scroll for a few minutes without intaking information about trauma, or some kind of emotionally charg...

Episode 78: Conscious Business: 3 expanding questions to ask yourself when creating your 2024 big vision plan
Hey Gorgeous soul,This is a potent episode recorded after a client call. I want to share some of our key discussion points as they will help with your 2024 expanded vision plans.1: Are you designing your business bas...