Pure Light 1111. Soul Aligned Living - by Allera Dawn
My name is Allera Dawn, the Founder of Pure Light 1111.
I am a Modern day High Priestess. Spiritual Life & Business Coach. Soul Visionary, Multi-dimensional Channel and Healer. Maker of Magic, Lover of Freedom
Won't Fit In Any Box Society Has Laid Out For Her!
Let's Connect:
Website: www.alleradawn.com
IG: @iamalleradawn
Linked in: Allera Dawn
Pure Light 1111. Soul Aligned Living - by Allera Dawn
Episode 100: Twin Flames January 2025- Coded for re-unification
#twinflames #starseeds #ascensionprocess #forgivenessandhealing #relationship #energy #soul
Hey Gorgeous souls,
You may not know my full story. However my third wave of awakening occurred in 2015 involving my Twin Flame. This was a rapid ascension and healing process.
I used the experience to catapult me into my soul purpose, created The Online Twin Flame Healing Program, left my corporate career and launched a business by 2017. Quantum leaps. I followed soul!
Fast forward a decade to 2025. I was called into Twin Flame work at a macro level. It became very clear the 25/01/25 is coded for union - in particular re-unification of soul levels 10D-15D.
Many are part of what I call the founder tribes. Both the female and the male were tricked and hijacked then energetically set against each other by hijacking the soul consciousness and light bodies.
Last week I was able to access the containment field for the Divine masculine - thousands of trapped souls now liberated. They will go through a rehab and re-integration back into their soul streams.
The forgiveness let's the light back in. The forgiveness makes way for accessing the love of source to flood back in.
Not all Twin flames are incarnated in a body. They may also choose not to step into pathway of a 3D connection. However, YOU ARE CONNECTED TO A TRIBE OF ORIGINAL TWIN FLAMES ON EARTH...FIND THEM. They too are highly coded, rod and staff holders. They are also activators for your growth. Be open to a higher perspective of these connections and be open to the love that transcends timelines.
This means let go of the focus on a construct and allow yourself to be open to love (which may be through another highly coded Twin Flame who is resonant at your now frequency).
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Allera Dawn
The Modern Day High Priestess