Pure Light 1111. Soul Aligned Living - by Allera Dawn

Episode 85: The identity shifts during our consciousness expansion path

Allera Dawn

Hey Gorgeous Souls,

Can you feel the collective shifts over the past couple of months!

This has meant many are in self reflection & re-birth stages of their evolution.

Hold the bigger vision created in your heart and let go of fear. 

The universe is abundant and limitless.  It just requires you to reset back to that knowing in moments of doubt & move from inner alignment (again and again even when the whole path isn't clear).  This is moving into a whole new frequency ad timeline!

It is time for your liberation!

I will be sharing more about the universal laws and the laws of success.  These are impacting you whether you believe in them or not (hello Law of gravity)!  Yet- if you cross ref these laws with your decisions and business strategy things will transform quickly!

Let's dive in.

Allera Dawn
The Modern Day High Priestess

Ready to elevate your life and step into the path of becoming a way-shower and conscious leader?

Book a discovery call (this is for Diamond Brilliance 3 month Bespoke Program:
3 month vortex of alchemy, transformation & expansion

Book a call here: https://www.alleradawn.com/apply-to-work-with-me-now

Free program to expand your vision and consciousness
The Eclectic Woman- Activating your unapologetic self (download free here):

121 Visionary purpose sessions (1 week deep dives & beyond)
Book here: https://www.alleradawn.com/booking

IG: Iamalleradawn

Linked in: Allera Dawn

Facebook: PureLight 1111

Music credit to https://dayfox.de/