Pure Light 1111. Soul Aligned Living - by Allera Dawn

Episode 97: Part 3: What to expect when your going through a spiritual awakening - Increased psychic activity & active dream states

Allera Dawn Episode 97

Hey Gorgeous Souls,

Part of the awakening process is the veil between your 3D consciousness and 4D-5D-6D becomes thin and you will start to have a stream of energy-memories-information streaming from your own higher consciousness.

This can be confusing as dreams become often more poignant, meaningful & start calling for us to take notice.

This is the key...the doors to the subconscious and unconscious open & this will being many different stories to the surface.  

On the healing path we are also being initiated as personal soul detectives.  

Our dreams will bring guidance on things needing healing and even alert us to psychic interference and energy siphoning on the energetic planes.  

All part of the initiation

Learn more in this episode.

Bridging the mundane and the magic whilst keeping your feet on the ground has always been my ethos.

Not just learning new information.  Walking the path of the initiate is HOW you access the keys, undo the locks and activate the codes YOU NEED FOR THIS LIFETIMES ADVENTURES.  The healing & shadow alchemy is the pathway...I will show you how.

Plus so much more...

This is a program birthed from healing from the unimaginable and alchemizing pain to purpose!  Embodying WHO I truly am & that includes the soul mastery & wisdom from thousands of lifetimes!  

I include a 200 page book...  A Modern Day High Priestess Guide.  Initiations to living unapologetically.

Combined with my multi dimensional 360 Transformation modality:  The Soul Architect Series™ 

Which is why I have created a legacy program.  

-Designed to assist you to become your own empowered spiritual initiate.  
-Taking your power to evolve your consciousness back into your own hands.  ---------Giving you the tools to activate, hone & master your own consciousness- energetic anatomy- spiritual upgrades-deep core healing & move to a timeline aligned with your origination plans.

One of the biggest pieces that arises on the spiritual awakening path is the realisation that we are often not aligned to the soul path on a deep internal knowing level.

Yet- no one gave us a map or systems to gather the information at a high enough level to begin to access that lens of clarity.

Which is exactly why I have birthed this process and included not only how to gain depth and mastery but also what questions to ask and to whom.  This is not the work of the mind.   It's about the accessing of the soul.  Then tapping into Divine mind.  All whilst living in the 3D - Not rejecting the physical life as many have become caught up in.

I have written a book of my initiations which will lead you to unpeeling the onion of self for illumination and healing.  Also allowing you to experience the often hidden pathways of activating dormant spiritual gifts...the priestess way.  Through initiation.

*The Soul Architect Series™ Spiritual Awakening-Healing & Transformation Program
Access here:  https://www.alleradawn.com/the-soul-architect-series-spiritual-awakening-healing-transformation-program

Get ready to soar in 2025.

Now is this time.

Allera Dawn
The Modern Day High Priestess

IG: @iamalleradawn

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-A3gjfGCxBjXsRhtHSonOg