Pure Light 1111. Soul Aligned Living - by Allera Dawn

Episode 99: How men harvest your womb energy (Plus why to get a Energetic Divorce)!

Allera Dawn

Hey Gorgeous Souls,

As we start to understand that all connections are both physical/human and energetic.

We are shown that our energy can literally light a fire under someone else's manifestations and leave ours lifeless!

Energy harvesting and in particular womb harvesting isn't new...it's ancient.

Woven through our soul history and now unconsciously the same energetic templates create the same dynamics in real time.

I created an Energetic divorce process to return to sovereignty of the womb, kundalini, energy template and stop how this ultimately hijacks new timelines!

This process is life changing and is something we all need in our toolkit.  Especially as we consciously choose to evolve past co-dependency and psychic energy dynamics. 

We learn to honour our body and energy and create strong foundations which naturally become repellent to any wounded energy vampire hoping to feed from our radiant light! 

Want to step into your power now?  Get access to the ceremony, the tools and the deep understanding...True freedom to attract a new reality!

Join us here (Instant access):
*The Soul Architect Series™ Spiritual Awakening-Healing & Transformation Program
Access here:  https://www.alleradawn.com/the-soul-architect-series-spiritual-awakening-healing-transformation-program

Get ready to soar in 2025.

Now is the time.

Allera Dawn
The Modern Day High Priestess

IG: @iamalleradawn

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-A3gjfGCxBjXsRhtHSonOg